CULT1017 Understanding SocietyAssessment 4: Case Study Analysis What are the key arguments for and against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament? Analyse the argumentssociologically to come to your own conclusion about the Voice to Parliament.


The concept of an Indigenous Voice in Parliament has generated a great deal of discussion and debate in manycountries, including Australia. In late 2023, Australians will participate in a referendum on whether to amend theConstitution to commemorate the country's First Peoples by creating an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice(Chesterman, 2021). The justification for such a voice is that it would make up for past wrongs, encourageIndigenous peoples, and promote social harmony. Contradicting this argument, the proposal is refuted by thepossibility that it would result in conflict and have unforeseen constitutional and practical repercussions.The Australian government's new referendum represents a sense of acknowledgement and presents Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander communities with the ability to voice their opinions on political matters. By recognisingtheir rich cultural history, ASTI people are given a platform to have their viewpoints heard in developing nationalpolicies. To address current disparities and work towards repairing historical injustices, The Voice presents anopportunity to honour the rights, contributions, and unique cultures of the ATSI people (Groot & Rowse, 2023).Through these initiatives, Australia hopes to make amends for historical wrongdoing caused by the dispossessionand marginalisation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures. It also hopes to promote culturaldiversity and a more inclusive national identity by preserving and celebrating languages, traditions, and forms ofart. The referendum seeks to address the inequities and socioeconomic disadvantages faced by the community byproviding a legal framework for targeted policies and resources to improve the well-being of the ATSI population(Chesterman, 2021). Australians from both Indigenous and non-indigenous origins may be able to communicatemore effectively as a result of the referendum. It represents a commitment to repairing earlier rifts and workingtogether for a shared future, building a sense of camaraderie and national identity (Larkin & Galloway, 2021).The Voice to Parliament opposition argues that changing the Australian Constitution to establish a specificindigenous advisory body may not be the most appropriate course of action. Some claim that giving the Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander populations their voices could cause conflict and division in the nation (Birmingham,2023). They contend that to address the problems faced by indigenous communities, a unified approach thatincludes all Australians is required. Additionally, opponents argue that a focus on tangible policy changes, funding,and long-term commitments is a more efficient way to solve discrimination and disadvantages than aconstitutional amendment because it could fail to improve the lives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderpeoples (Grant & Calma, 2021) 

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