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One of the roles by a nurse is that of giving care. The criticality and adversity of a patient’s condition will determine the level of care that the patients will obtain from the nurse. Another vital consideration is the fact that nurses ought to consider the essence of giving the care in a holistic manner. The holistic concept entails taking into account the fact that people present with diverse cultural, spiritual, and psychological needs that ought to be taken care of by the nurse.
No of pages: 2 Subject Area: NursingBlockchain Technology in the Apparel Industry
No of pages: 2 Subject Area: TechnologyThere are few matters in the U.S. that have been as contentious as the use of the death penalty punishing severe crimes. One of the main reasons as to why some people propose for the approval of the death penalty is to reduce the rates of heinous crimes in the country. They believe that that the implementation of the death penalty would make people to be afraid of committing crimes.
No of pages: 2 Subject Area: CrimePeople, nations and leaders must learn to work together to foster a more open and global economy, system of criminal justice and idea of ethics if we are to survive. This is the idea that is espoused in Peter Singer in his book, “One World: The Ethics of Globalization”. This insightful book is full of ideas on how the world could be better served by nations letting go of the idea of one-nation sovereignty and working together to create a global government and economy.
No of pages: 2 Subject Area: Political ScienceA debate that has recently been brought into focus in the public eye is that of whether wild animals should be kept in aquariums, zoos, and other wildlife sanctuaries. Recent tragedies, like the one at Sea World in Orlando, Florida, where a trainer was dragged to her death by a whale, has increased continued scrutiny on the needs of wildlife and how captivity hinders their physical and psychological well-being. Some argue that animals in captivity provide a number of services for both the animal kingdom and humans.
No of pages: 5 Subject Area: EthicsAs recently as the past decade, schools have had to determine their stance on students with personal electronics in the school, from the use of storage devices such as the flash drive, to the use of iPods for listening to music and podcasts, to the use of cell phones. Many schools quickly developed policies against the use of any personal electronic devices.
No of pages: 5 Subject Area: EducationVIDEOCONFERENCING AS A TEACHING TOOL
No of pages: 10 Subject Area: EducationThe impact of violent games on children
No of pages: 4 Subject Area: psychologyVideo Conferencing in the Workplace Technological advances and the rapid expansion of business boundaries going beyond one location incur significant changes in the ways of organizing the working process. One of the most important aspects of any company or firm is having conferences or meetings to discuss essential points of the working process and to introduce possible changes.
No of pages: 4 Subject Area: Business StudiesAdvantages and disadvantages of lowering the voting age to thirteen
No of pages: 4 Subject Area: Political scienceIs Euthanasia Ethical or Not? The right to life is commonly cited to be the first and most important among fundamental human rights and freedoms, but the right to choose is of equal importance. If a person is unwilling or unable to enjoy life anymore because it turned into a severely limited existence due to health complications, he or she should be given a chance to end it. This is a key stumbling block in debates between opponents and supporters of euthanasia and assisted suicide, who argue about the ethical and legal implications of this medical practice.
No of pages: 3 Subject Area: NursingStartup companies and initiatives are often suggested to be the most ambitious and prosperous projects in the modern business setting. In turn, the vast majority of studies and reallife examples have proved that most startups fail, indicating the necessity to examine the frequency and causes of startup failures—especially considering business and management perspectives. At first, the study will be focused on the introduction to the most common obstacles towards the launch of successful startup projects, which will be further followed by a review of the most serious mistakes committed by startups.
No of pages: 9 Subject Area: BusinessA classic 9-to-5 workday has been established as the mark of a normal working schedule in the majority of countries around the world, especially in western nations. However, other cultures have different traditions regarding the workday. For example, the Japanese are known to be workaholics who can stay at their workplaces up to 14 hours. However, recent experiments performed at a company in Australia showed that there is a possibility of shortening the working day to 5 hours with no losses in productivity.
No of pages: 3 Subject Area: ManagementAdmission essay Preparation to succeed in college
No of pages: 2 Subject Area: Admission essayAn increasing population implies additional pressure on natural resources to ensure all people with necessary amenities and products. In order to feed people, the agricultural industry needs to increase the volumes of harvests and meat. The latter, in its turn, means increasing the number of livestock and subsequent overgrazing. Due to its geographical location, Colorado (especially, Rio Blanco County) is a favorable place for the development of the agriculture industry oriented on meat products
No of pages: 4 Subject Area: Environmental studiesAdvanced Social Engineering Introduction Social engineering refers to an art of manipulating people to gain access to their personal and confidential information. The type of information that such criminals seek from a person varies with the need of the information. However, the cyber criminals usually trick potential victims into giving them their passwords, bank information, or gain access to personal computers among other activities (Krombholz, Hobel, Huber, & Weippl, 2015). This paper will, therefore, focus on the issues that are related to social engineering and suggest possible solutions to the current trend of cybercrime.
No of pages: 4 Subject Area: SociologyManagement of innovation refers to both organizational and product innovation. By definition, innovation is the creation of a commercialized product from invention. Innovation management includes tools that enable engineers and managers to cooperate with a common understanding of goals and processes. Further, the concept allows companies to respond to internal and external opportunities as well as use its creativity to introduce new ideas, products or processes (Bradley et al., 2008).
No of pages: 4 Subject Area: managementThe subject of value proposition mostly concerns organizational behavior or strategies to address customer needs. Overall, the value proposition is the prediction or assurance of value to be delivered, and the belief customers have of experiencing and receive the intended value. The practice of value proposition is common among various industries (Hussey, Wertheimer & Mehrotra, 2013).
No of pages: 5 Subject Area: NursingGlobal Communication Communication is described as the process of exchanging information across different people and places. Vasilchenko and Morrish (2011) established that the success of an organization is dependent on the effectiveness of the communication strategies applied. Development of useful communication strategies is essential in reducing misunderstandings among stakeholders drawn from different cultures and countries.
No of pages: 2 Subject Area: Sociologycyber Security in Business Organizations Advanced computer technology has certainly improved lives in many aspects. There are better medical services, online shopping that has enabled door delivery of products, distance learning modules for universities and colleges, and many other things. In today’s world, it is easy to learn how to do anything and obtain whatever it is one may want without having to move from one’s resting zone (Goodman, 2014).
No of pages: 4 Subject Area: Information Technology