Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement.

 Part 2: Plan for social change
The US government has adopted a reactive policy to address the antimicrobial resistance. The policy focuses more on surveillance and developing new antimicrobials. However, it appears to have ignored the fact that antimicrobials are being prescribed and used. This is an opportunity for encouraging the correct use of antimicrobials, especially of nursing resources are leveraged to identify the specific patients at high risk of developing antimicrobial resistance given their medical histories. Allowing for this change in the policy would give nurses greater responsibility in antimicrobial resistance initiatives.Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement. In addition, it would increase their workflow as nurses would have to closely monitor the use of antimicrobials among individual patients, evaluate use histories, and recommend drug changes where necessary (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). Besides that, there is a need to engage nurses in patient profiling with regards to the association between geographical origins, common microbial infections among the different populations, and the antimicrobial medications commonly used among them. This helps in identifying the risks for developing antimicrobial resistance and recommending an appropriate treatment plan that takes elevated risk into account. In addition, nurses can be leveraged as information resources that patients can use to know more about antimicrobial resistance, implications, avoidance, and how to address the issue in case of occurrence (Courtenay & Castro-Sánchez, 2020).Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement.

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