Hollywood to Bollywood: What makes a movie good?

 Hollywood to Bollywood: What makes a movie good?

Unlike in the past, the price of movies keeps on rising each and every day. By 2012, the price of
watching a movie was $8 (Lieberman). However, by the end of 2015, the price rose by $4 dollars
and it is set to rise even further in the future. Movie dealers alter these prices under different
aspects like quality of a movie and peak hours. Even with these considerations in place, most of
us find it a challenge to find movie deals that matches our pockets. Until now, I tend to find it
difficult to know whether a movie is worth the amount, I pay for it. But wait, what makes a
movie impressive to watch?
Well, it is obvious that people will give different answers on the above questions
depending on their tastes. While some people will consider a certain movie to be hot, other
people will rate the same movie as a bad one regarding on what they like most about a movie.
Overall, a good movie to some of us is that film with perfect directing, outstanding actors,
believable and perfect script, high quality sounds, and picture among many others.
Unfortunately, we tend to ignore other important aspects. Movie experts know exactly how to
make a movie hit and become relevant and interesting to every movie lover. For example, the
case involving urban legend marketing executives who incorporated the M& M candies approach
to market a movie is a perfect example of how a movie can hit. Their influence made the E.T the
Extra-Terrestrial to become one of the most marketable and watched movies in the entire history
box office. Similarly, there are many reasons why one can attribute the success of a movie such 
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as Star Wars. The movie made huge sales that amounted to billions of dollars making it the
successful franchise as compared to their competitors.
My question remains, what really unites people to watch movies? Special effects I guess!
Graphics can make a movie interesting to watch. The most performing movies like Avator and
the Lord of Rings are among the few movies that have effectively used effects on their movies to
make their movies more interesting to watch. Movie producer in early years could make people
do things that in real sense seemed unbelievable. For example, a case of a person flying in
movies like Superman could make the movie even more unbelievable and discouraging to watch.
However, with movies like Forest Gump authenticity was restored. Many people found the
movie interesting that it generated enough revenues as well as getting the Academy Award for
Best Picture.
While some people rely on their friends for good movies, mine cannot recommend a
movies to me because all of them are into a different movie genres; they watch horror movies. I
like movies that are based on books. I can easily relate when I watch a movie based on a novel.
An exceptional example of novel-based movies is The Horse Whisperer, which, to me, has an
outstanding ending. I liked the movie because unlike in the novel, Redford always had a way of
adapting to changes in the story making him my favorite character.
Still I do not understand what makes a good movie. I remember I asked the question to a
certain group of people and I was surprised by the kind of answers they gave me. To them a good
movie is made of rising and falling actions, catchy story lines, outstanding plots and so forth.
Their preferences were different from mine but I did not judge them. Actually, the first time a
friend persuaded me to watch Chariots of Fire with him I slept in the first 10 minute of the 
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movie. It does not matter whether the movie has my favorite actor or not, the person watching
them can only determine a good movie. 
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Lieberman, David. “Movie Ticket Prices Hit New High in 2012 with a Modest Increase Over
2011.” Deadline Hollywood. PMC, 11 Feb 2012. Web. 7 April 2013.
“POLL: what makes a good movie to you??” Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Inc., 8 April 2013. Web.
8 April 2012 

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