Identify a nursing regulatory process at the federal or state level. Discuss how the process affects your nursing role in clinical practice.

 APRN practice is governed by the Board of Nursing and the Nurse Practice Act ("APRN state law and regulation," n.d.). However, other regulations may apply to APRNs practice. Instances of indefinite provisions in the Nurse Practice Act are filled by policy statements and or opinions by the state board of nursing. There are distinct variations between APRNs state laws. In particular, statutes on APRN practice define the scope of practice. The statutes established by state regulatory agencies govern the "what," "who," "where," "when," "how," and "why" of the nursing practice. It entails specific services that an APRN is legally authorized to perform, which aligns with the nursing profession.Professional and specialty nursing organizations such as the American Nursing Association (ANA) contribute to the definition of the nursing profession. Under the APRN regulations, nursing practice, expertise, and education evolve and link advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) with the community-based setting in which they provide primary and preventative nursing services ("APRN state law and regulation," n.d.) 

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