Identify the appropriate screening tool for Natalie to complete during her first visit and discuss why the selected tool is appropriate for the client.

The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is the suitable screening tool for
Natalie, considering her history of a stillborn child and her present symptoms. The EPDS
consists of 10 questions designed to identify symptoms commonly associated with
depression and anxiety during pregnancy and within the year after childbirth (EPDS,
2023). Utilizing this screening tool will help reveal any additional symptoms she may
have. Generally, a higher score on the EPDS suggests a greater likelihood that
medication or psychotherapy may be necessary (EPDS, 2023).
Natalie is diagnosed with peripartum depression. Identify the appropriate treatment for
Natalie and discuss why the selected treatment is appropriate for the client.
Peripartum depression, also referred to as postpartum depression, can profoundly affect
the well-being of both the mother and her infant. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is
highly effective for women experiencing perinatal depression, ranging from mild to
severe cases. CBT assists in recognizing and altering detrimental thought processes,
enhancing coping mechanisms, and regulating emotions (Li et al., 2022). This therapy is
especially advantageous during the prenatal and postpartum phases (Li et al., 2022).
For moderate to severe depression, physicians may prescribe antidepressants like
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Timely intervention and proper 

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