INSTRUCTIONS For this project, you will compose a revision summary that describes the revisions you made to your portfolio of assignments: résumé, instruction set, and proposal. This revision summary will also explain how your revisions include and enhance your user's experience. As the final assignments in this course, both of these elements of the portfolio project should showcase your very best abilities as a technical communicator.

 This paper reflects the resume, instructions set, and proposal that I submitted to you guys to complete. All three assignments are due on the same date. Those three assignments must be completed first before this one can be completed. 

For this project, you will compose a revision summary that describes the revisions you made to your portfolio of assignments: résumé, instruction set, and proposal. This revision summary will also explain how your revisions include and enhance your user's experience. As the final assignments in this course, both of these elements of the portfolio project should showcase your very best abilities as a technical communicator. 

The purpose of a portfolio is showcase your skills and abilities, often for potential employers or others in your network. Usually, a portfolio contains samples of your best work and shares your professional interests, goals, and expertise. Portfolios can be designed as a physical collection of projects, but most portfolios are now digitalLinks to an external site..  

Your revision summary should include the following information with the specified minimum and maximum word counts: 
An introduction that explains your growth as a technical communicator during this course (100-200 words).
A paragraph that explains how the revisions you made to the résumé enhanced your user's experience and/or included new perspectives from your users (250-500 words).
A paragraph that explains how the revisions you made to the instruction set enhanced your user's experience and/or included new perspectives from your users (250-500 words).
A paragraph that explains how the revisions you made to the proposal enhanced your user's experience and/or included new perspectives from your users (250-500 words).
A conclusion that indicates how well you believe you met the course objectives and what aspects of technical writing you want to work on next (200-300 words).

You should start by creating a blank document on word processing software, such as MS Word or Google Docs. Do not download a template or use graphic design software. 
You should provide specific examples of the revisions you made to the assignments. 
Any sources used should be cited in text and a list of references should be compiled according to APA style.
You should use clear and concise language that reflects the level of technical knowledge possessed by your specific users and stakeholders, and you should avoid grammatical and mechanical errors.
You should use the four document design principles (C.R.A.P.) taught in the previous modules and in this module 

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