Natalie is diagnosed with peripartum depression. Identify the appropriate treatment for Natalie and discuss why the selected treatment is appropriate for the client.

Peripartum depression, also referred to as postpartum depression, can profoundly affect
the well-being of both the mother and her infant. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is
highly effective for women experiencing perinatal depression, ranging from mild to
severe cases. CBT assists in recognizing and altering detrimental thought processes,
enhancing coping mechanisms, and regulating emotions (Li et al., 2022). This therapy is
especially advantageous during the prenatal and postpartum phases (Li et al., 2022).
For moderate to severe depression, physicians may prescribe antidepressants like
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Timely intervention and proper
treatment are key to enhancing outcomes for both the mother and the newborn (Li et al.,
Natalie has concerns about the stigma associated with seeking mental health care.
Discuss at least two (2) strategies the PMHNP can use to address these concerns.
Childbirth is often celebrated as a "natural" event, and deviations from what is
considered "normal" can be stigmatizing (Moore et al., 2016). The most common
maternal mental health issues are mood disorders, with over half of new mothers
experiencing "baby blues" and one in ten suffering from severe depression (Moore et al.,
Creating a nonjudgmental, respectful, and compassionate environment is key to
normalizing the pursuit of mental health care (Moore et al., 2016). This involves offering
reassurance and education about perinatal mental health, highlighting the treatability of
these conditions. It's also important to educate individuals, such as Natalie, on perinata 

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