NHS FPX4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles TS Analysis of Ethical Dilemma in the Case Study

Even though Dr. Kerr gave credible information to the parents of five-day-old Ana about the reasons to get vaccinated, the parents insisted that will not vaccinate their child. Dr. Kerr is now faced with the ethical dilemma of deciding if she wants to continue to care for Ana or terminate the relationship. According to Lam et al, 2016, Younger children in a region of Hong Kong allow for a barrier in the BIO FPX 1000 Assessment 2 Homework: Neuromuscular Lab defense against those that are not vaccinated. The authors conclude that vaccinating young children is an effective strategy to reduce the burdens of preventable diseases. In fact, this country has facilitated priority groups for annual vaccines by targeted age groups to decrease its prevalence in spreading to older children, (Lam et al,.2016). Should Dr. Kerr continue the relationship she would then be putting other children, including immunocompromised children at risk.

Using the Ethical Decision-Making Model to Analyze the Case Study
The ethical decision-making model includes three components. First is one’s moral awareness, recognizing there is an ethical dilemma. The second is moral judgment in deciding which is right or wrong. This component includes one’s differences and cognitive biases. Moral judgment is also driven by group or organizational pressures and the organization’s culture or way of doing things. Finally, ethical behavior is ultimately doing the right things. This ethical behavior may not be the same for everyone. In the case study, Dr. Kerr provided all the necessary information for the parents of Ana to make an informed decision. She realized that even after that they still insisted not to get the child vaccination. She was faced with an ethical dilemma. She now must make a moral judgment in deciding whether it is right or wrong to continue providing care for the child base on their decision not to vaccinate baby Ana. Dr. Kerr’s moral judgment manifests when she provides the parents with factual information on the benefits of vaccination while putting closure to the false statements regarding autism and vaccination. In this case, Dr. Kerr has an ethical decision to protect the people she serves 

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