NHS FPX4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles TS Effectiveness of Communication Approaches in the Case Study

It is important in a patient-physician relationship for a medical professional to be able to communicate effectively. Communication must be provided in a clear, concise manner that the patient fully understands. If the patient is not capable of understanding, then it is the provider’s responsibility to make sure they have other resources to help them understand the matter at hand. This may include translation if the patients speak a different language. In the case of Dr. Kerr, communication was delivered effortlessly. She listened within reason to the parents’ concerns about vaccination. She then provided valuable information regarding the importance of vaccinating baby Ana. She acknowledges the controversy that was in the media recently which showed that Dr. Kerr was actively listening to their concerns. Dr. Kerr then provided credible resources such as VAERS so the parents can further do their research on vaccination. Although Dr. Kerr’s delivery was nonjudgmental or biased the parents were still determined not to get their child vaccinated. 

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