NR605 Therapeutic Alliance WorksheetName: Sansita BhattaCarefully read the assignment guidelines and rubric. Review the scenarios provided in an announcementby course faculty and address the following.1. Describe techniques you would use to build a therapeutic alliance with each of the clients in the provided scenarios.2. Provide a rationale for why the techniques are appropriate for the client in the scenario.3. Include a scholarly source in your rationale. You may use the same scholarly source to support each scenario if relevant. Include a matching reference for each citation using the current APAStyle.

   Scenario Techniques for Building a Therapeutic Alliance with RationaleMood disorders/anxiety/OCDScenario: Sarah, a 28-year-old woman, has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and experiences intrusive thoughts about harming her loved ones. She feels overwhelmed by anxiety and spends hours each day performing rituals to alleviate her distress.Active listening, empathy, and respect are important techniques to usewhen working with clients who are experiencing anxiety. In the scenario, building a therapeutic alliance with Sarah, a 28-year-old woman diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), is crucial for her treatment success. Here are techniques to establish thisalliance, along with rationales for their appropriateness:Active Listening and Empathetic Understanding: Active listening is a technique that involves really listening to what the client is saying and trying to understand their perspective. Demonstrate that we genuinely care about Sarah's experiences by actively listening to her worries andacknowledging her feelings. Respond to her with empathy, showing that we understand and accept her hardships without passing judgment.Rationale: Building rapport and trust with those who are struggling with mental health issues like OCD requires active listening and empathy (Ferris & Devaney, 2022). The therapist affirms Sarah's feelings by showing empathy and compassion, which makes her feel heard and accepted. This helps create a secure and open therapeutic environment 

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