NUR 590 Propose strategies for disseminating your evidence-based practice project proposal Propose strategies for disseminating your evidence-based practice project proposal. Consider the necessary stakeholders who need to review or approve the proposal (both internal and external) and what methods you will use to communicate.


Disseminating evidence to stakeholders and decision makers within the organization is crucial to getting the proposed solution implemented throughout the organization. The evidence must have evidence based research that supports the proposed solution and must show how the solution will improve the performance of the organization. After the completion of a research or evidence based project, the information must be disseminated amongst the staff. The purpose behind performing a research project or evidence based project is to create change and to advance patient care. The information that is distributed amongst the staff is quite important. Having a dissemination plan is so vital because there are barriers. The barriers can involve not having the education or information readily available, costs of disseminating the information to staff, and staff being resistant to the new change or information.

Using a tool for a dissemination plan will help guide the researcher find all the components necessary to form a formal dissemination plan that specifically reflects the user’s needs and interests (Carpenter, Nieva, Albaghal, & Sorra, 2014). The tool provides six useful components on successfully disseminating the research findings. The components consist of defining the research, identifying target users, working with dissemination partners, communicating the research, communicating the research, evaluating the success of the dissemination process, and developing an action plan (Carpenter, Nieva, Albaghal, & Sorra, 2014). Utilizing the tool will not only provide better outcomes for the researcher but the staff members that are receiving the new information. External Stakeholders would be investors and donors. Internal stakeholders to reach out to would be executive and managers.

Christian values are essential to embody in all aspects of life. While GCU utilizes these values as a foundational component for educational standards, these should also be standard for how students are influenced in their academic performance as well. Academic dishonesty, which is the opposite of academic integrity, plagues all academic levels. There are several reasons why I think students are tempted into dishonesty including pressure for success, lack of understanding about what constitutes plagiarism, and not fully understanding the entire process of academia. Integrity is the intrinsic belief to do the right thing even when no one is watching and is an essential value of the Christian doctrine.

When students believe and practice integrity, they will be able to apply this outside of the classroom and to other aspects of life. If students are engaging in academic dishonesty, this may be suggestive of a lack of integrity outside of the classroom as well. Lack of integrity is one example of the brokenness seen in society today. It shows a desire for success regardless of the means to get there or if there was any actual self-growth in the achievement of success. Having an educational infrastructure based on Christian values will not only foster academic success but will support students to apply these values beyond the classroom and become a part of their daily lives.


Carpenter,D., Nieva, V., Albaghal, T. & Sorra, J. (2014). Development of a Planning Tool to Guide Research Dissemination. Retrieved from: 

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