Nurs FPX 4010 Assessment 1 Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video — MTC


Hi! This is Diedre. Today, I will discuss the value of teamwork and managerial skills in healthcare.

Cooperation and management are crucial in the healthcare industry for several reasons. Initially, efficient teamwork among healthcare professionals reduces errors and enhances outcomes, ensuring seamless treatment for patients. Second, group management, long-term goal-setting, and medical service innovations depend on strong leadership. Moreover, in the face of complicated hospital difficulties, strong leadership may inspire and motivate others to work together towards common objectives, ultimately raising the bar for care and increasing patient happiness (Paganin et al., 2023). In summary, enhancing the patient experience and maximizing healthcare services need a blend of management and cooperation.

Reflection on Interdisciplinary Collaboration Experience
This setting is focused on providing comfort and care, and delivering hospice assistance to patients facing life-limiting illnesses necessitates teamwork involving various experts. The group includes doctors, social workers, nurses, spiritual counselors, and support staff. Managing complex family dynamics strain among caregivers, organizing treatment and medication schedules, efficiently addressing patients’ historical and philosophical needs, and resolving communication challenges that affect timely pain management are among the challenges faced (Austin et al., 2021). Some of the changes being considered include enhancing how team members interact, providing support within the team, offering training initiatives addressing resource-related issues, and providing volunteers with guidance. Despite challenges, the team is dedicated to enhancing patient care through collaboration and support.

The medical team, workers, nurses, clergy, and advocates demonstrated a commitment to providing holistic care for individuals and their loved ones. The successful collaboration was primarily attributed to this shared devotion. Dr. Richardson and Nurse Mitchell’s willingness to openly discuss their shortcomings and challenges was beneficial. They recognized the importance of establishing connections for patients’ welfare. Team members in the hospice sector acknowledged the challenges. They also emphasized the nature of their work, expressing a deep sense of satisfaction and joy in their roles.

Unsuccessful Aspects
Mr. Magalski’s situation highlighted issues with how the team interacts. These problems caused suffering for the patient. This led to a delay in providing crucial treatment. Nurse Mitchell’s recent struggles with fatigue underscored the importance of enhancing coping mechanisms and seeking colleague support. The emotional toll of the job could affect the quality of care provided. Martin Hayes stressed the challenges of respecting the cultural beliefs of individuals and their families. The team required assistance in handling these nuances. Chaplain Elijah Brooks emphasized that the team could provide care after additional education and training. Sophia Martinez, the volunteer, mentioned that she was seeking clarity regarding her duties and suggested the need for instructions. The lack of guidance could require volunteers to seek assistance to better assimilate into their team.

Reflective Nursing Practices
Nurses must engage in thoughtful nursing practices in healthcare, including in teams like those found in hospice care. This approach allows them, along with their colleagues, to reflect on experiences and pinpoint areas for improvement when making decisions about the future of nursing. By looking at situations and coming up with proactive solutions, healthcare professionals can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of communication breakdowns, emotional fatigue, and other challenges (Wang et al., 2022). This self-awareness does not strengthen collaboration. It also leads to better healthcare outcomes by promoting personal and professional growth in the workplace.

Poor Collaboration and Inefficient Management of Human and Financial Resources
In settings, poor teamwork can lead to the use of resources, both human and financial, which can reduce the effectiveness of treatment and increase costs. One specific example is the lack of communication among healthcare providers in hospitals, as highlighted by Mihalj et al. (2022). When physicians, nurses, and support staff fail to share patient information, such as records and treatment plans, it can result in medication errors, unnecessary tests, and overlooked therapies. This inefficiency affects outcomes and inflates treatment expenses due to wasted resources and unnecessary procedures (AL Mugheed et al., 2022).

Healthcare institutions that do not actively engage their staff in decision-making and problem-solving processes may face challenges in managing resources. For instance, if hospitals make staffing decisions without consulting frontline staff, it could lead to issues such as understaffing or overstaffing in departments, ultimately affecting patient care quality and staff retention rates (Efobi, 2022).

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Financial resources can be handled better when healthcare providers and insurers collaborate. In billing and reimbursement processes, better coordination between hospitals and insurance companies can result in consistency, the administration-rejected claims and delayed payments. This ultimately affects the sustainability of healthcare organizations. This could lead to service cutbacks or increased costs for individuals.

Team members failing to communicate can lead to discomfort and increased costs, as highlighted in the case of Mr. Magalski’s pain management. Nurse Mitchell faced fatigue after the passing of Mrs. Garcia, which could reduce productivity and lead to absences, putting a strain on resources. For example, in Mr. Patel’s medication mix, coordination issues may cause treatments and errors in healthcare delivery. Regional and psychological disparities, such as those Mr. Hayes faced, can lead to delays in care and resource utilization. Chaplain Brooks highlighted how financial constraints hinder advancements in care, while Sophia Martinez emphasized that poor recordkeeping could lead to underutilization. To effectively manage resources and deliver hospice care, tackling these challenges and fostering collaboration among stakeholders is crucial.

Identification of Best Practice Leadership Strategies
In a hospital setting, diverse teams must be managed efficiently to achieve their goals. According to research, three practical management approaches — leadership, servant leadership, and transformational leadership — can significantly enhance a team’s ability to meet its objectives. Implementing management practices motivates team members to excel and be creative. Leaders who follow this approach foster an improvement environment and establish a vision. For example, a healthcare professional may encourage the team to embrace a patient care strategy by highlighting its benefits and persuading colleagues to embrace change.

The central concept of leadership involves managers prioritizing the needs of their team members in order to enhance their productivity. By listening to nurses, doctors, and other staff members, managers can ensure their requirements and concerns are met, resulting in patient care and higher job satisfaction. Situational leadership focuses on adapting a leader’s actions to suit the team’s needs or circumstances. For instance, a healthcare professional may employ an approach when leading a formed team; as the team gains knowledge and skills, the leader may transition to a more participative style. These management principles can enhance a team’s effectiveness, motivation, and unity, ultimately elevating the patient experience and the quality of care provided (Weiss et al., 2023).

Utilizing servant and transformational leadership approaches in this setting could significantly improve professional teamwork and patient well-being (Wei & Horton Deutsch, 2022). Dr. Emily Richardson, the Head Physician, exemplifies leadership by valuing transparency and mutual assistance. Encouraging dialogue and team support can inspire the team to work effectively and provide exceptional care to patients.

Nurse Clara Mitchell showcases leadership qualities by emphasizing the importance of care coordination and the need for emotional support within the team. Nurse Mitchell creates a culture of empathy and collaboration that enhances patient care quality by prioritizing her colleagues’ well-being and advocating for increased encouragement.

Identification of Best Practices Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies
In the field of healthcare, it is crucial to have teamwork to deliver patient-centered care. Good communication plays a role in fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals from various disciplines. Building communication channels and ensuring sharing of patient information are vital components of effective team collaboration (Doornebosch et al., 2022). During board meetings, which involve doctors, nurses, and other healthcare staff coming together to discuss a patient’s condition and treatment plan, there is an opportunity to establish a shared understanding. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) facilitate information exchange by centralizing the documentation and accessibility of data.

Team members need to have roles and responsibilities that acknowledge their expertise. A surgeon, anesthesiologist, and nurse anesthetist must work together seamlessly during surgery. Professionals must understand their duty to ensure the safety and well-being of the patient. Building respect within the team enhances care by fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. Engaging in disciplinary learning activities such as workshops and simulations can help individuals appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of each profession (Lee & Malyn-Smith, 2020). Participating in simulation training sessions brings doctors, nurses, and pharmacists together to practice emergency response protocols, promoting teamwork and effective crisis management.

Communication is vital in preventing incidents and delays in resolving Mr. Magalski’s pain. Team members must stay informed about changes in patient care plans and respond promptly. Clearly defining each team member’s roles and duties can prevent duplication of efforts. Enhance understanding of contributions to patient care. Dr. Richardson recommends involving workers such as Martin in challenging family discussions to alleviate strain and facilitate better decision-making by physicians. It is essential to emphasize the significance of education and training in dealing with cultural diversity, spiritual care, and care coordination challenges. Chaplain Brooks highlighted the importance of training to enhance team members’ comprehension and respect for each other’s roles. For individuals like Sophia who volunteer, having guidelines can make it easier for them to contribute to the well-being of patients.

In conclusion, this engaging movie has highlighted the importance of leadership and teamwork in achieving our goals within the healthcare sector. Just as practical leadership principles guide us, we’ve witnessed how fruitful partnerships can harness a team’s skills. Looking ahead, it is essential to recognize that fostering teamwork and leadership is a journey that requires constant growth and adjustment to changing situations. By nurturing an environment and acknowledging leaders, we can continue to excel in our work and achieve our shared objectives.

AL-Mugheed, K., Bayraktar, N., Al-Bsheish, M., AlSyouf, A., Jarrar, M., AlBaker, W., & Aldhmadi, B. K. (2022). Patient safety attitudes among doctors and nurses: Associations with the workload, adverse events, experience. Healthcare, 10(4), 631.

Austin, E., Blakely, B., Salmon, P., Braithwaite, J., & Clay-Williams, R. (2021). Identifying constraints on everyday clinical practice: Applying work domain analysis to emergency department care. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 001872082199566. 

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