NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 2: Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification


A semi-structured interview strategy was adopted to interview a nursing colleague to understand her organization, past and current problems, her role and duties in the organization, the effectiveness of interventions, effects of issues on a different population, the role of nurse leaders, leadership strategies, and interdisciplinary collaboration at the organization (McIntosh & Morse, 2015). She works in a private profit-based acute health care facility with 75 beds and different units. The organization is adopting advanced technologies such as automated EHRs, patient monitoring systems, telemedicine, error reporting software, data analytics for nursing informatics, and other technologies to increase the quality of care.

She is working as an intensive care unit (ICU) nurse in the organization. Her primary duties include monitor, record, and report patient data, symptoms, and complications, order and interpret diagnostics tests, coordinate and consult with health care professionals, administering medication and intravenous fluids, reporting medication errors, treating wounds, maintaining equipment, and educating patients and family.

After understanding the organization and role, the interview agenda was explained in a couple of sentences. The interview style was flexible as the interview was consistent throughout and the interviewee had full opportunity to explain her perspectives (McIntosh & Morse, 2015). However, open-ended questions were asked whenever needed to get better insights into current or past health care issues (Weller et al., 2018). More stress was given to statistics and benchmarks to understand the severity of the issues.

She informed that past issues such as resistance to implementing advanced EHRs and telemedicine affected both patients and nurses. It was solved by training the nurses, implementing transformational leadership, and hiring specialized nurses to promote changes. 

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