Social Norms and Impacts on Behavior 1 Social Norms and Impacts on Behavior

  By: Christina Epenian Human existence and experience are so complex that there is a need for similarities in the performance or the comportments to create uniformity and solve the complexities. Every society has a uniform and similar way of engaging in everyday actions or operations, contributing to the need to analyse such behaviors to identify their importance. Social norms involve the generally acceptable behavior in a society that an entire community believes should be the right way to handle daily operations or people applying as a tool to determine proper conduct( Cislaghi and Heise 2018). Theories such as social learning and norm internalisation also create a significant implication in describing the extent to which social norms shape an individual or community's behavior. The paper focuses on how social norms define people's behavior in the current environment marred with complexities, positives, and uncertainties. Adherence to social norms contributes to self-image and social image. No individual would like to be in a compromising societal position that damages the social and self-image (Gross and Vostroknutov 2022). For instance, actors develop a positive social image, such as being trustworthy, well-behaved, and determined to ensure inclusion in a film set. To ensure this aspect, an actor must adhere to the social norm, such as honesty, as appreciated in a community. A community that believes that honesty and trustworthiness determine the perfect social image will impact an individual positively, leading to a transition in behavior (Gross and Vostroknutov 2022). Since the entertainment industry is a form of community, their belief in the positive self- image will expose an aspiring actor to develop and appreciate the perfect self and the social image to ensure a sense of belonging in such a community. 

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