Step 3: Alignment with Social Change Use the space below to write a statement proposing how you might align one or more of your professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.


Walden University has a vision of ensuring that the graduates can successfully apply the material learned in class in the society to effect social change. To do this, it is important to engage in scholarly work to understand the issues affecting the society at a deeper level, and also to apply the same by working with communities and donating time and skills to serve the community and bring about social change. With this in mind, I might align my professional goals of improved networking skills, reading more and time management to ensure that they all help me achieve the goal of social change. This will mean improving my networking skills, which will help me identify areas in which I can contribute to social change in the society, It will also mean reading more to gain a better understanding of the issues affecting my society and proper time management to enable me juggle my personal and professional life, and also incorporate some time to take part in activities geared towards social change in the community. NURS-6003 Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan 

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