The Initiatives On Which New York State Action Coalition is Working

In sum, the initiatives spearheaded by the New York action coalition comprise improving health equity, building healthier New York communities, improving access to care in the states, and promoting nursing leadership. In addition, they work to increase diversity in nursing, transforming nursing education, collecting workforce data, and enhancing Interprofessional collaboration (Dorritie et al., 2020).

The barriers include a lack of understanding of the role of the coalition. Similarly, a lack of professional recognition, poor physician relations, and poor administrator relations pose limitations to the advancement of the work. Further, other challenges include the nursing shortage and the issue of aging of the nursing workforce, and a lag in nursing salaries;

Despite the barriers, nurse, through their membership with health organizations and associations, has continued to advocate for better health care access and education of their members and addressing salient healthcare policy decisions in an atmosphere of problem-solving and responsibility.

The IOM future of nursing report emphasized the need for developing a leadership plan of action that harness nurses’ potential to spur change and advance health and health care by coming up with innovative educational opportunities and professional growth development opportunities. The four segment proposals have enhanced access to healthcare and improved the nurse profession through the work of state-based action coalition. However, the recommendations have faced barriers. Despite the obstacles, nurses in New York have continued to address the critical healthcare policies through responsibility and training.

Dorritie, R., Fiore-Lopez, N., & Sonenberg, A. (2020). Leading for change: Nurses on boards. Nursing Management, 51(3), 14-20.

Hassmiller, S. B., & Reinhard, S. (2019). The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and AARP Story:: How Our Partnership Advanced the Future of Nursing. Nurse Leader, 17(5), 399-403. 

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