What is Fashion for Modern Teenagers?

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What is Fashion for Modern Teenagers?
Teenagers are youths who fall within the age group of between thirteen and nineteen
years. This is the adolescent stage of a growing adult. Adolescence comes with its share of
hurdles and joys. This is because many teenagers tend to become rebellious with respect to
authority and often do the opposite of what is expected of them. This new attitude is not usually
their fault, but due to the hormonal changes going on in their growing bodies. They, thus, look
for ways to express that they are not children any more, and can do whatever they please as
growing adults. One of the ways in which teenagers express themselves is through fashion.
Fashion can be defined as the general form of dressing up (Magie 3). It is all about the
physical presentation of a person. Fashion changes with time. For instance, a dressing style that
was deemed fashionable ten years ago can be considered outdated today. People, and especially
teenagers, use fashion to communicate. A good example of this is that it is accepted in fashion to
wear a black outfit to a funeral ceremony. This shows that one is in mourning. There are people
who care little about what they wear, while others give it great importance and are keen to keep
in touch with the latest fashion trends.
Fashion is dictated by several elements. Celebrities such as musicians, cultural icons and
actors, greatly influence the fashion world (Magie 37). This happens because celebrities are
almost a brand by themselves. They, therefore, tend to create a trademark fashion look that they
can always be identified with. More so, the fastest way for fashion designers to release and get
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exposure for a new design is by allowing a celebrity to wear it (Tungate 6). If people like how
the celebrity looks, they will definitely adopt it.
To a teenager, fashion is a form of identity (Magie 220). This means that they use fashion
to show themselves as belonging to a certain group. A good example to illustrate this is the
Gothic style of dressing. With respect to identity, a teenager may use fashion to communicate
their personalities (Tungate 2). A shy and reserved teenager will often go for simple outfits with
muted colors. A more outgoing personality is not afraid of trying out fads that have not been
worn by anyone else. They are even not afraid to wear bright colors, or even, a combination of
colors. Notably, a teenager may want to identify themselves with a celebrity by the use of
A teenager may use fashion to attract someone from the opposite sex (Magie 223). It is
common knowledge that teenagers like to feel wanted, and fashion is one way to get them the
attention they much desire. Teenagers also have a tendency to give in to pressure to wear the
latest fashion styles. Peer pressure is one of the main issues that teenagers have (Magie 224). If
one does not adhere to the latest fashion styles, then their friends tend to tease them and even
push them out of their social circles.
Conclusively, fashion is a very important factor as far as teenagers are concerned. They
will do all they can to make sure that they spot the latest fashion styles. At times, pressure from
friends may compel teenagers to do whatever it takes to acquire fashionable items for
themselves. Therefore, fashion has its benefits and negative consequences for teenagers. 
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Works Cites
Magie, Anna. An Analysis of Lifestyle, Shopping Orientations, Shopping Behaviors and
Fashion Involvement Among Teens aged 13 to 18 in the United States. Michigan:
ProQuest, 2008. Print.
Tungate, Mark. Fashion Brands: Branding Style from Armani to Zara. Philadelphia:
Kogan Page Publishers, 2012. Print.
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