A Broad Analysis Of The Effects Of Aging In Humans

 A Broad Analysis Of The Effects Of Aging In Humans
A Broad Analysis Of The Effects Of Aging In Humans
There are numerous effects of human ageing, and even though the symptoms
seem to vary from person to person, almost all the symptoms appear in humans if
they live long enough. My analysis lays out the various effects that aging has on
humans, and then goes on to analyze each effect. My paper is not a
comprehensive analysis of all the effects of aging, as I have only covered the most
common symptoms.
Essay Body
In this section, I have laid out the many symptoms and effects of aging. After
defining which effects I intend to cover, I go on to analyze, evaluate and conclude
upon each.
A child often has the ability to hear high-pitched sounds. Many teenagers lose
their ability to hear high-frequency noises above 20 kHz. Most fully-grown adults
are unable to hear high-frequency noises; however, a female is more alert to highpitched sounds than a male. (Rodriguez & Trinidad, 2014).
By a person’s mid-twenties, there is reasonable evidence that cognitive decline
begins to occur. This is also true of people who are in long-term education and
people who return to full-time education after the age of thirty. (Desjardins
&Warnke, 2012).
Over time, a person will develop wrinkles. The severity of the wrinkles seems to
be linked with areas of skin that are exposed to sunlight, but it the number of
smaller muscles and tendons may also have an effect on how many wrinkles are
present. (Finkel & Reynolds, 2013).
Fertility always drops as a person become older and beyond the age of twenty.
Most people are at their most fertile in their early twenties. (Pmhdev, 2015).
Females become infertile first, but even fertile men are sometimes unable to
reproduce because of the physical effects of aging, such as erectile dysfunction.
(Thurstan, Gibbs, & Langton, 2012). 

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