A personal letter to the Prime Minister

A personal letter to the Prime Minister 

Canada is reportedly growing to be one of the main green house pollutants with the percentage of pollution rising up to 24.1 percent starting from 1990 to 2008 only. The future path in the greenhouse gas emission experienced in Canada only depends on various factors, such as the government action, some technological changes, economic growth strategies, and development of the energy markets. If the government of Canada does not incorporate the impacts of this rising percentage in greenhouse emissions, there will be adverse effects to the green house layer. This paper is based on the analysis done on the possible effects of continuous pollution of the green house layer due to some opposition in the government protocol. It is with this due respect that I am addressing this letter to the prime minister on the reasons why immediate action should be taken to curb the menace.

A Personal Letter To The Prime Minister On Why The Government Of Canada Or The City Of Toronto Should Take Action To Reduce Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Recommend A Priority Action For The Federal Government To Take

Canada is estimated to be emitting 2% of the global emissions of the greenhouse gas. There is a global increase of around 25% between the period of 1990 and 2005. The principal emitters are developed countries, led by the US and China. By the year, 2005 had raised over the USA as the leading overall emitter of greenhouse gas due to laxity in the government action. In as much as industries are essential for the state’s economy, environmental factors need to be considered first before the ozone layer is depleted. This follows the accord signed in Copenhagen, a critical instrument that aimed at addressing these escalations. The most influencing factors to the rise of these greenhouse emissions in Canada is growth in oil and gas sector, evolution of Canada’s electricity generation cycle and the transport sector (Cryderman, 2009).
This is a special request to you Prime Minister Stephen Harper on your stand about this issue of greenhouse emission. I would like the Canadian Conservative Party that is under your leadership to be lenient on the stand you have about the issue of reducing greenhouse emission. Canada as a nation is a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol with the aim of reducing the amount of greenhouse emission to around 6% of 1090 levels from the period of 2008 and 2012. This deal is not  being fulfilled due to some forces in power that are hindering the smooth running of the reduction activities. This request is particularly addressed to you following some of the negative impacts that greenhouse emissions have to the environment. These impacts are given as below;
• The issue of rising greenhouse emission has adverse effects to the environment, especially to the forestry of the country. The Canadian Environment released a report in 2011 that showed that there was an increase of 2 degree centigrade within the western Canadian boreal forest since 1948. This rate of greenhouse emission by the country challenges the forestry industry in sustaining and conserving the trees within the boreal forest.

• As a result of this, it might also have negative impacts on health and regeneration of the country dwellers. Greenhouse emissions are causing rapid climate changes, thus forcing the trees to migrate to those areas that have higher latitudes and altitudes. Some of these species might not manage to migrate to the northward section, but some of these species might not manage to migrate fast enough hence causing their extinct. The drier conditions that are as a result of extinct of some trees are also contributing towards the shift from conifers to aspen in the more fire and drought-prone areas (Vitt, 2010).
In as much as industries and activities leading to greenhouse emissions are contributing towards the growth of the economy, there are some mandatory mechanisms that the government should employ to help reduce the percentage of these emissions. The first compliance mechanism that the government should use is technology funding. The firms within Canada could obtain some credits when they comply by contributing to the technology fund. This fund will be later used by the government in promoting development, deployment and diffusion of technologies that will eventually reduce emissions of greenhouse gases all over the country.
The next compliance strategy that the government should use is promoting inter-firming trading activities. Those firms with emission intensity below the required targets should receive tradable credits from the government. The credits could be further banked for future use purposes or even sold to other parties, which also include other regulatory firms.  The government should also employ the offset system. This system encourages projects that will lead to incremental real and  

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