Alleviation of poverty


Good research must follow some specific steps to ensure that the study is within the schedule and that it does not go off the topic which would result in a lot of wastage in time and resources. 
Planning your research.
Before carrying out a research, the first step will be to plan research, and in this case, the topic of the study is poverty alleviation. In the planning process, the amount of time for the research will be agreed upon and the various places to go and conduct the research. The researcher will also have to ensure that they have all the equipment that he will need to make the study a success (Best, 1998).
Gathering information.
The next step after planning is now gathering information about the alleviation of poverty. There are very many sources of inf0ormation on this topic, and they are divided into two which are secondary and primary sources of information. In the secondary sources of information, the researcher may read previous research on this topic which may include reports, articles, books and magazines and also electronic source which is from the internet to gather information. In the primary source of information, the researcher may decide to go to the field on his own and gather first-hand information from people through various methods like observation, interviewing people and asking questionnaires on the topic. All these information are legit, but the primary source of information will make the researcher understand more on the issue of alleviation of poverty because they experience the problems firsthand (Kemmis, 1988).

Organizing your study. 
Organization of the study or the information gathered is a crucial point because research is usually divided into various parts for instance in this topic there will be an introduction part which will show why the researcher is doing this research and the history to the factors that have led to alleviation of poverty. There will then be literature review whey the researcher will talk about previous researches on the topic. Then the methodology used in the collection of research will also be included then the findings on the issues that have led to alleviation of poverty then the final part will be on the recommendations on how to combat this issue and conclusion. This will help individuals who will come to read this research later to understand without struggling with the work which was done (Kaufmann, Kraay, & Zoido-Lobaton).
Your status as a researcher
After organizing your work, it will be good to analyze it and correct any mistakes because the quality of the research will determine the status of the researcher. This will also determine whether the researcher can be employed by any organization to research them based on the quality of this research. This is the reason why in the organization of the work will determine the quality of the work. In this stage, the research will have to be careful with the editing of the work.
Your next steps in your profession
 The quality of the work will be determinant on the next steps of the researcher in the profession of doing researches because if it is a quality study into the topic that tells of the various issues that lead to alleviation of poverty and the effects of poverty on people and finally coming up with the best strategies to combat the issue then the researcher will be assured of brighter future in his profession.
Meeting the program goals
In conducting researches such as this which have an adverse effect on people from different places in the world, there are usually goals that are set to be a driving factor in this research, and therefore the researcher must consider these goals. For instance, in this topic, the goal may be to come up with measures and programs that will lead to a reduction in poverty and this is what the researcher must consider when doing his research.

Best, J. &. (1998). Research in education (8 ed.). Needham.
Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A., & Zoido-Lobaton, P. (n.d.). "Governance Matters.". World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 2196. Washington DC.
Kemmis, S. &. (1988). The action research planner (3 ed.). Victoria, Australia: Deakin University Press.


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