American Reconstruction Research

American Reconstruction Research
In 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner, an American historian published an essay titled “The significance of the Frontier In American History” that advanced the argument in Turner Thesis. According to Turner, he argued out that the current American culture of innovativeness, democracy, aggressiveness and sedentary way of life has been influenced by frontier experience (Faragher, 67). The motivation behind Turner’s idea of publishing Frontier thesis was influenced by three factors.  These are: availability of free arable land in Europe, the gradual recession process and, the Americans urge to advance settlement into the west.   These three factors laid down the platform for studying, understanding and analysing the American west history. Additionally, they influenced Frederick Jackson Turner move to publish the Frontier theses that has continued to influence the discipline of history until today. 
Frederick Jackson Turner was born on 13th November, 1861in Portage, Wisconsin and died on 14th March 1932. He is regarded as one of the most influential American historians who lived in the 20th century and whose contributions in the discipline of history remain relevant till today. Turner’s father was a businessman who had keen interest in history; an idea that motivated Turner to study history while at the university. In 1885, after graduating with First class honours Degree, at the University of Wisconsin, Frederick was employed as a lecturer in the same university and later enrolled in PhD programme at Hopkins University in 1891. He worked for eleven years at Wisconsin University as a history lecturer before transferring to Harvard University.  From 1911 to 1924, turner worked at Harvard University before he retired in 1925, but continued to conduct his extensive researches until in 1932, when he died (Moos, 360).
Turner uses the evolutionary perspective to shade more light on why the Americans culture, characteristics and the way of life is the way it is today. Turner acknowledges the role played by frontier experience in reconstructing the American view and the extent the persona view has influenced economic development in the region. Using the knowledge he had gained while studying geology with Thomas Chamberlin, Turner elaborates how frontier experience emergence and its contribution in development of American culture. Initially, immigrants from the Eastern Europe acted, behaved and interacted same way Europeans did. However, after entering into a new environment, settlers were compelled to adapt to new ways of life so that to cope with the emerging challenges in the wilderness. With time, they moved further west, and as they moved further, they changed their original way of life and adapted to a new mode of living frequently. This process of adapting to new life every time they advanced settlement west culminated to Americanization culture. 
Turner argues that establishment of American culture emergence as the interplay between civilization and savagery that enhances the development of new generation of people known as Americans (Gerald, 14). This new generation of people had distinctive characteristics from the previous generations. Each new generation successively moved further west, abandoning European culture and adapting to American culture, characteristics and the way of life. Successive generation destroys old institutions, churches, form of governance and clan/class based land ownership. They in turn develop created new institutions, governance and new way of living in the society. This implies that the more a society heads to the west, the more it becomes Americanized.
The influence of frontier thesis influenced the American citizens’ views about other nations. Many Americans believe that they are superior to other people in European states because of their unique characteristics. This move has helped in building the economy of the country because it has encouraged individualism and capitalism. Innovation, creativity and invention, have been enhanced following the adaptation of capitalism and individualism in the country thus boosting economic development in the region.  American citizens believe that they have attained high economic development because of their efforts. This fact is clear in the American form of governance where politicians have claimed that unclaimed American frontier will improve the economic development of the nation.  Political leaders have continued to change the minds of people through formulation of policies that aim at upholding American culture.
 After the collapse of the land frontier in 1890s, American leaders have adapted to the use of technology evolution frontier to reconstruct the economy of the country (Cronon, 160).  The government working in collaboration with other involved parties has established effective state of infrastructure geared towards improving peoples’ living standards.  Ad 

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