Running head: AMERICAN SPYCRAFT 1
American Spycraft
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Spying involves obtaining information that is considered to be secret among the eyes of
the public. Spycrafts are the electronic equipment’s that are used in the private surveillance to
private customers through the use of converting GPRS tracking systems and cameras that are
usually hidden. GPRS tracking involves getting signals from the cameras, which have been set at
specific locations to communicate images of terrorism. The American Spycraft has been
experiencing several setbacks in their course of operation. The challenges that the American
spycraft faces are mainly orchestrated by terrorists who have staged their effort to reduce the
powers of America. Although the challenges are inevitable, America has invested in research to
increase strategies that will ensure efficiency in the spycraft.
The American intelligence officers have always considered money as the key factor of
establishing good and trustworthy relationships with the spies and when they have turned
themselves, they always do the for money on the line but not for the required reasons. The
American spycraft should stop considering money in establishing relationships with the spies but
rather base their relationship on trust and commitment in their duties. This will ensure that the
spies who are involved with the CIA are not effectively diddled and this will help in reducing
their desperations for sources. They should also not assume the security protocol as in the case of
Folge where they presumed that the FSB would forget the security protocols and rather take bait.
The CIA should also consider stopping the spying on other nation’s territory
Spycraft of America has several strengths. It encompasses proper planning to indicate the
compass and the atlas operations instead of the practical purposes. This saves the amount of time
needed to trace things and fast communication. For instance, secured communications in
Moscow was set up by the street atlas with drop dead. In this scenario; one individual, who was
later collected by another individual, would have left the materials. The American spycraft
considered using the GPRS instead of the compass since they give out a signal that can be
The American spycraft is always willing to work with people so as to obtain information,
which is crucial to them. After the reforms that were initiated by President Bush, the Agency has
started to gain public confidence. General Powell was quoted saying that he will accept public
opinion and integrate it with what he has planned. Powell accepted to follow the views of the
public to increase the confidence of the people and with the intelligence service. Through the use
of spycraft, mistrust to the security agency is developed and even creating enmity between states.
The approach used by the American spycraft is considered to be clumsy. Carrying
materials like letters cannot be considered as a bizarre as it would indicate that the outline and
approve the commitment for compensation of the fledging agent who had a lot of money which
was intended to presume the encouragement for cooperation.
The spycraft regulators are politically affiliated as they demonstrate evidence in a
partisan manner. Sometimes the spycraft department conceals evidence that is of paramount
importance to the public so that it can please its masters. For instance, the department destroyed
at least two harsh tapes of harsh interrogations in 2005 so that it could hide delicate secrets
sought by Congressional committee, the Sept.11 commission and the courts. The spy masters
were brought to trial for exercising their duty and powers to please politicians instead of the
public for which they are employed for. The Agency tried to convince the public that there was
nothing wrong in hiding the terrorism evidence from them. The Senate Democrats called for
criminal investigations, which could have seen the Agency disbanded for being affiliated to 
politicians. Washington also faced a problem of technicalities and how to secretly conduct
criminal investigations against the spycraft agency.
In conclusion, strengthening American relationship with other countries will also enhance
security in the sense that friendly countries cannot do any harm to one another. Trade ties will be
advanced in an environment where two countries are in agreement. Strengthening top national
security priorities like dealing with countries that produce nuclear weapons can increase national
security. According to NSS, the military ought to be equipped to deal with the rising cases of
nuclear weapons. In this case, America will be seeking to counteract the productions of weapons
that do mass destruction. The military is the intelligence part of NSS that secures America in the
homeland and globally. By destroyi 

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