An Economic Case for Batteries for

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An Economic Case for Batteries for

The country Australia is said to possess different types of resources of renewable energy that
remain unexploited even to this day. The department of energy in Australia has pointed out that
generation as well as utilization of age-old power system would mean incurring of increased cos
(Heymans et al., 2014) t. On the other hand, demand for energy is on a constant rise across the
globe. Thus, the storage industry would have a significant role to play to satisfy the overall
demand of energy. The energy storage system possesses the potential to break the nexus amidst
that of the electricity demand as well as its production (Esseghir and Haouaoui Khouni, 2014). It
is argued that the Australian storage industry must promote its potential as well as activities to
achieve the increasing demand of energy sustainably. The report emphasizes upon discussing all
economic aspects of batteries for storing energy. Besides, this discussion would provide an
overview of the Australian energy industry by depicting the present demand to store energy in
the nation as well as the economic aspects to meet the overall demand for batteries for storing
greater energy.
Australian Energy Storage Sector in context to other nations
In Australia it has been observed that power supply may be grouped into four different categories
like that of generation, retail, transmission, and dissemination. Several other countries supply
their power in three different routes such as production, transmission, and circulation.
Nevertheless, maximum number of countries across the world focuses upon providing power
supply by means of coal or any other related materials. In Australia, there has been successful
expansion of resources of power supply throughout the nation with the utilization of renewable
resources (Debnath, Ahmad and Habibi, 2014). These resources include solar power, wind
power, and hydro power. It is identified that almost every nation generates power by blazing
fossils such as gas, oil, coal, and others. Similarly, Australia is one such nation that utilizes
burning fossils conventionally for supplying energy within large scale power stations.
According to the Australian administrative authority, some of the key resources of renewable
energy like that of solar, wind, and hydro power have been spotted so far. Thus, shifting of these
resources of power over long distances would require the government to contribute increased 
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capital in the transmission of the system to deliver electricity to the demand center. In order to
minimize the limitation, the Australian legislature has emphasized upon the implementation of
small scale network in the distribution purpose for supplying energy to different locations such
as industries, local residences, etc. It is observed that electricity energy cannot be stored within
the network (Hossein, Yazdan and Ehsan, 2012). As a result, the nation uses batteries to store
energy. Also, the government of Australia suggests usage of pipes to store gas or even water
energy resources within the network.
Within the nation, it has been identified that total consumption of electricity by means of storage
of energy by using chemical batteries are much into practice. For generating large scale energy
and also circulation, it is considered that batteries are anyway more effective and also productive
for generating and storing energy while consumed (Aguayo and Gallagher, 2005). It has also
been identified that manufacturing chemical batteries for storing energy during consumption of
electricity is far better an option than any other mechanism to store energy. The associated direct
cost with that of the manufacture of batteries based on the framework of chemical energy storage
has been estimated to be quite low. Besides, it is also observed that batteries result in little loss of
electricity during changing it in the form of storage. The world’s largest energy storage resource
has been developed by the group involved in energy investment by means of developing solar
energy system (INABA, 2010). To develop the project of battery storage in Australia, more than
around two million dollars have been invested. On the other side, some other nations like the
United States and few from Europe have been considerably less as compared to that of Australia.
Energy Storage Project in Australia: Current & Future Situations
The greatest battery tank of the world is that of the Australian Energy Storage. Within the
country, the constructor of energy storage has always encouraged storing of energy or more than
around 400MWH. It has confirmed that it has been generating more than 100 Mega Watt in
presence of the chemical lithium battery innovation (Jupesta, n.d.). Reportedly, in the venture of
battery storage, Australia invests increased capital as compared to other nations across the globe.
As per the report  

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