Analysis of Orgef Case Study
Table of Contents
Title page ........................................................................................................................................ 1
OrgEF Analysis............................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
Key technical, managerial, and leadership requirements for the position of CEO ..................... 3
Candidature evaluation................................................................................................................ 5
CEO’s Plan of action for the next five years .................................................................................. 8
Make the customer base wider.................................................................................................... 8
Good strategies of marketing has to be developed...................................................................... 9
Making the culture of the organization ....................................................................................... 9
Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 10
Reference List ............................................................................................................................... 11
OrgEF Analysis
Every leadership that is capable of steering an organization to success is that which is
strategic enough to provide sound vision and elaborate enough to provide clear purpose of an
organization. Every organization is bound to undergo change in the course of its activities
(Freeman 2010). This inevitable nature of organizations and businesses require the leadership
and all the executives to develop the stamina of strong formulation strategy and the will of plan
execution. In the case of a company which is undergoing change like the case of OrgEF, the
requirement of the leadership should not only be narrowed to providing clarity in terms of
direction only but it should be open enough and well skilled to bring a sense of ownership within
the work force. This sense of ownership is an influential method of leadership that inspires
employees to perform at their best. This is because they feel as acceptable members thus best
delivery in their work.
Key Technical, Managerial, and Leadership Requirements for the Position of CEO
It is also essential that the management of an organization that is on the verge of change
to gear peoples’ minds to get prepared for change - change that shall transform the organization
towards the right direction. Failing to prepare peoples’ minds, that is, employees, stakeholders,
and even the leadership may create resistance thus hindering implementation (Nerur, Rasheed &
Natarajan 2008). People are often comfortable with the status quo - of which, for people to
accept the change, they have to be influenced towards the understanding of the change that is yet
to take place in each and every department in the organization that they are working in. This
ensures that the employees’ minds align with the strategy that would give the top managers easy
time of execution. One who is worthy of an executive post is one who has the wisdom of 
marshalling the resources that the organization has to make and implement the set strategies. The
strategy of incorporating the stakeholders and the employees in decision making and inspiring a
feeling of ownership in the processes is the sure way through which one can make a winning
organization which can be defined. Balanced thinking and attaching value to the juniors by the
senior executives helps greatly to establish a committed team, which is capable of adjusting to
change and situations, thus adapting to strategy rapidly. Leaders have to know that they cannot
take an organization to the next level on their own; they have to rely on the prepared mind for
organizational change at all levels. This requires a leader to be good enough in their coordination
skills. Coordinating members of the team and the entire organization means that a leader is
analytic enough, and that there are people conscious in their dealings.
Leaders, especially the ones sought after in the Orgef, are those who are optimistic
enough. Naturally, people would always want to work with and for people who inspire them to
great achievements (Nerur, Rasheed & Natarajan 2008). In this regard, a leader must inspire
his/her people and help them build on their strengths, instead of looking for weaknesses among
team members. A leader must be objective enough to help people over 

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