analysis of the 1997 movie named ‘Selena’.

The objective of this research paper is to provide a content analysis of the 1997 movie named ‘Selena’. The research question that has been answered in this report particularly relates to gender inequality and how patriarchy is commonly witnessed throughout the movie that has been selected for analysis of content. The research paper begins with a brief introduction which sets the stage for the content to be followed in the research paper.
The research paper then discusses the identified research question in an elaborated manner. The rationale of choosing those questions for the purpose of this study has been included. Next, the important variables that have been utilised and considered for data analysis have been included in the Operationalization section. The major focus of this research paper is on the data analysis section. The last part provides concluding remark which ties the contents of the research paper together.
Research Question
The primary research question relates to the identification of degree of gender inequality. This research question has been further divided and it specifically relates to the notion of patriarchy. Different variables (explained in the Operationalization section of this research paper) have been used from the content of the movie ‘Selena’ and a result using the same has been obtained.
Rationale of choosing the research questions
The movie chosen for content analysis is based on a true story and hence the actual content of the movie show the truth and hence the research questions are expected to be utilized to formulate a good conclusion as far as judging the domination of males in the society is concerned.
	The factors that have been utilised to judge the notion of gender inequality and patriarchy are as follows. The factor includes the number of times the father of the main character gets his command accepted or not with all the family members. The number of times he used throwing anger on the family members to get his instructions fulfilled. The number of times he gave specific instructions to the family members that was against the wish of any of the family member. Whether his instructions were followed or not by the family members (specific importance has been to the case of Selena).
	All the above mentioned variables have been considered in the data analysis (results) section which provides a rich insight about reaching a conclusion whether male dominance was prevalent in Selena’s family or not.
This research paper makes use of qualitative data given the nature of the content (movie) that has been used for analysis. The major comparison has been done in cases of Selena’s father (dominant male in the family) and Selena. Thus, parts of the movie (the actual instance and the outcome) has been explained to judge whether the male dominance existed within the content and the within the framework was the movie. After that a simple computation has been done which provides an analysis to further determine whether the notion of gender inequality and patriarchy prevailed in Selena’s family or not.
Results/Data Analysis
This section provides specific selected instances, scenes and extracts from the movie to further depict the understanding of the prevalence of the notion of gender inequality and patriarchy in Selena’s family. The analysis sections are not necessarily in the order that they appeared in the movie.
Analysis 1
Actual Instance: Selena’s father was reluctant in seeing her in revealing costumes while performing her shows. He specifically provided instructions to Selena’s mother and to Selena as well that she should always wear her jacket while performing at the stage. Selena’s father was not very angry and did not even raise his voice over this issue but gave specific instructions.
Outcome: Although Selena did understand the point of her father but tried to explain him that it was a part of new fashion and all the latest and contemporary artists are doing it and she should not lag behind. She did wear only bra in the later stages which clearly shows that the instructions of the father were not fulfilled in their absolute nature.
Analysis 2
Actual Instance: Selena wanted to marry one of the newly added band member. Her father became extremely furious about the decision and wanted both of them to stop seeing each other. He shouted at everyone in the family and even fired Selena’s love from the team.
Outcome: Selena did not stop meeting her love and ultimately convinced her father that resulted in her marriage with the person whom she liked and loved.


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