Anne Hutchinson

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Anne Hutchinson
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Institution of Learning
Anne Hutchinson
Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan remarkable advisor who spread her own explanation of
the Bible, leading to the Antinomian disputes in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. She was and she
is a real hero in the American history. Anne Hutchinson was undoubtedly a strong personality
who refused to deny her ideal and ethics. She did not bother about the cost of such points even in
the face of diversity. Anne Hutchinson was a strong woman. Honestly to be said, it can be hard
for today’s generation to understand how it could be possible to live following the Puritan rules
in the established American colonies, particularly if someone is a woman. At that period of the
American history, females were not even allowed to think for themselves and express their
viewpoints. Anne Hutchinson was a religious leader, mother, and wife. Nowadays, she can be
truly named as the first American feminist. It is significant to remark that her considerations and
judgments were negative for the Puritan leaders. Still, Anne had never tried to insult humans.
Her vision was as simple as all individuals with high education have. She had her certain attitude
following Church norms. She truly aimed to participate and help ordinary people to succeed. It is
possible that Hutchinson’s credo was too simple, and that is why the majority of Colony’s
leaders worried about that moment (“Anne Hutchinson”, 2002).
Anne Hutchinson was a religious liberal who became one of the founders of Rhode
Island after her banishment from Massachusetts Bay Colony. She married William Hutchinson, a
successful tradesman, in 1612, and they migrated to Massachusetts Bay Colony, in 1634. The
Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell is an outstanding effort to explain the reality of America as a
Puritan nation to the contemporary public. Along with the other prominent representatives of the
Puritan movement, Vowell describes Hutchinson as the influential woman with quite a strong
character (Bensen, 2008). Hutchinson’s legacy greatly demonstrates her beliefs about women 
who were a blessing from God, not a curse on mankind. Anne Hutchinson is an eminent
personality of the 17th century since she was a woman to be admired by anyone who believes in
the rights of each human to freedom of speech, thought, and freedom to worship.
Given the father’s academic competency and strong faith, it is not surprisingly that Anne
developed an interest in theology and the religion at a quite young age. Anne was a homeschooled girl, and she used to read books from her father’s library, where she found answers to
questions about faith. She has grown to admire her father’s assertiveness and ideas, and she was
not afraid of asking about the church’s authority and the principles of faith (“Anne Hutchinson”,
2002). Hutchinson was a well-educated in the Bible, exceedingly intelligent from the father’s
education and her own self-studies, highly-skilled in the medicinal herbs and midwifery. Anne
Hutchinson quickly became a leading representative of the community. She used to organize
weekly meetings with Boston women to discuss recent preaching and give her own expression to
theological views. Ultimately, she began re-interpreting the notion preached in the church. Soon,
when Anne Hutchinson started organizing meetings, such appointments became quite
controversial events. She proposed a doctrine of salvation that could be realized exactly through
the God’s insight of grace existence. Soon, Anne Hutchinson’s doctrine was viewed as an attack
on tough moral and legislation of the New England Puritans, and the Massachusetts priesthood’s
power. As a result, Anne’s vision had leaded to the significant political polemic in the colony,
and strong adherence that have appeared on both sides (Reuben, 2011).
Anne stressed the personal intuition as a means of reaching God and salvation, rather than
the observance of institutionalized beliefs and the ministers’ regulation. Hutchinson’s opponents
blamed her for antinomianism. Such a view supposed that God’s mercy has freed the Christian
from the necessity to follow installed moral principles. 
Massachusetts Bay Colony has quite a depressive and harsh religious climate at that time.
Boston was a severe place in reality of that period. It had repressed everybody’s religious duty to
pray. Anne Hutchinson led the life of a trusted profound mother, housewife, and ordinary wise
woman in Massachusetts Bay Colony. A charisma of Anne had been combined with her gentle
character and unique power of her mind. Such an aspect had attracted other people to Anne’s
personality. Hutchinson used to speak about her own divergent theological vision. She
emphasized an individual intuition over the institutional belief and certain rules since she
considered them as a proper means to reach God  

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