Argumentative Essay: Against Abortion

Argumentative Essay: Against Abortion






	Abortion refers to the induced termination of a pregnancy or the removal a fetus from a mother’s uterus before birth. According to Guttmacher Institute (2005), abortion has become a common practice in the world, with 42 Million cases of abortions per year and approximately 115,000cases per day. Although the processes involved may differ, the result remains solid, and it raises controversy surrounding its moral and legal status. Individuals have had different opinions on the issue of abortion, such as the pro-life movement, which is a category that perceives abortion as a social evil, therefore, campaigning against it. On the other hand, the pro-choice movement perceives abortion as a matter of choice and, therefore, support it.   While the pro-life movement view abortion as a social evil, which should be wrong by law, the proponents of abortion argue that the law has no right whatsoever to control what happens in a woman’s body, as the performance of abortion can be to save a mother’s life. In the light of this argument, medical termination of pregnancy denies human beings the right to life and is equivalent to deciding the fate of an individual before birth, which is not the mandate of human beings.
	The pro-choice support the idea of legalizing abortion, on the basis that women possess the right to determine what they want with their body (Haigh, 2008). This argument has different shortcomings, such as, despite the unborn baby being in the mother’s womb, it has a life of its own. Haigh (2008) states that the unborn baby is a different entity, as its genetic composition is different from that of the mother. Basing on this argument the woman's rights to her body if applied in the case of abortion, it would result in many deaths of innocent children.
	Individuals championing for the legalization of abortion believe that its practice can be to save a mother’s life.  Whereas this is a personal decision, making it can be difficult, as it happens in situations, where saving of one life directly means the loosing of another. There are instances, when individuals want to carry out the abortion procedure because of rape situations or incest. 	The supporters of abortion believe that the decision to terminate a pregnancy totally depends on the victim. This group does not consider that the baby is a separate individual and all the dangers associated with the abortion procedures. Opponents of abortion highly regard the human virtues and account for the impending value behind the immorality of abortion.
	There are many reasons as to why mothers should not abort their unborn babies. Abortion has been the principal cause of death among women and mothers involved in abortion risk chances of dying during the procedure. According to the after Elliot Institute (2012), the number of deaths resulting from abortion complications have been on the rise in Finland, United States and Denmark. Women who have one abortion increase risk of their death with 45%. Those with two abortions increase their risk of death with 114%, while those with three or more abortions increase their risk of death with 191%. This indicates how a mother is vulnerable to death during abortion, and if she survives, she may develop complications with her body systems.  Most of these complications and disease that a mother is prone to when undertaking an abortion demand high medical attention and require a lot of money to treat. In cases where the mother does not get treatment for these complications, they may cause reproductive diseases, stress and even depression.
	By keeping a pregnancy through to the date of birth, the mother does not expose herself to the opportunistic infections or death, which might result from unsafe abortion. She also saves the life of the child, and can later consider putting it up for adoption.  In addition, the embryo does not have a voice and, therefore, cannot defend itself, and it is, therefore, adults' right to defend them.

	The different methods used by medical professionals in administering the abortion procedure are horrifying, dangerous and exposes a mother to infections and injuries. One of the methods used to perform abortion entails the insertion of tube into the womb of the mother.  The medical personnel then inserts another vessel through the tube, and uses it to suck out the fetus piece by piece. This method involves over stretching of the cervix, it is painful to the mother and can leads to high loss of blood. Another method of administering the abortion procedure is through inserting curved metallic instruments into the cervix of the mother to cut the fetus and remove it in pieces. This method are risky as the pose the danger of permanent damage to the uterus and can result in future miscarriages or death. In case of contaminations with the abortion apparatus, the mother risks death due to opportunistic infec 

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