Argumentative Essay - Gay Marriage

Argumentative Essay - Gay Marriage
Since time immemorial, marriage is considered an imperative facet in the society. It is in the marriage institution that a family is created to inculcate moral codes, culture, beliefs and values in the next generation. Traditionally, marriage is defined as the ceremonial union between an adult woman and a man both in love and, has the consent of each other to live as a couple. Chauncey argues that in many communities, marriage is considered sacred and legal union that brings a man and women together for the purpose of establishing a family and upholding societal values (Chauncey, 34). Historically, marriage is accompanied with rituals and other celebrations geared towards sanctifying the union and making it legal binding. Over the years, the society holds the view that a married couple should not travel against customary laws because terms and condition of marriage are irrevocable. 
Over the years, love was one of fundamental factors taken into account while selecting a life time partner. However, love was not the only factor that played a pivotal role in selecting a partner since other factors such as partner’s family background, heath condition and social economic status, also counted during this process. However, this is no longer the case. In the last five decades, there has been a paradigm shift in the marriage institution since people are no longer basing marriage on love construct; an idea that has led to the establishment of gay marriage. Same sex marriage commonly referred to as gay marriage is a topic that has raised a heated debate from the public and nations across the globe.  The main point of controversy is whether gay marriage should be legalized or not. It is in respect to this shortfall that this paper offers a counteractive argument on pros and cons of gay marriage and more importantly, provide a final claim about the issue.
Gay marriage also known as same sex marriage is defined as a ceremonial union between two people who are either of the same biological sex or similar gender identity (Miller, 78). Gay marriage is a new form of the marriage institution that has continued to be accepted in different countries across the world. Studies affirm that more than eleven nations have legalized gay marriage since 2001. Some of these nations include; Canada, Denmark, Argentina and Sweden, to name but a few. A similar trend is evident in sub-jurisdiction nations such as Mexico and United States. Studies conducted in different states indicate that literate people are likely to support gay marriage compared to illiterate people. Similarly, a greater percentage of young people are in support of gay marriages compared to older persons. Introduction of gay marriage is a societal, civil and political concern that has continued to evoke different reactions from varied arms of the government and the public. However, it is imperative to evaluate the pros and cons for and against gay marriage.	
Protection of human rights: Introduction and legalization of gay marriage promotes protection of human rights in the country. According to the constitution, every person is entitled to basic human rights such as right to life, freedom of speech and even freedom of choice. This implies people who are in love with each other should be allowed to make a choice to marry and enjoy similar rights and privileges accorded to heterosexual couples irrespective of their gender identity. In most nations, gay marriage are deprived certain basic rights such as medical disability and insurance cover of a spouse; an idea that fuel discrimination (Mello, 90). However, introduction of gay marriage will promote equality and reduce discrimination in the country.
Creation of stable family: Heterosexual marriages are compounded with many challenges ranging from infidelity, adultery to rape. Such challenges have contributed immensely to the increasing divorce cases in the country. Studies indicate that the divorce rate in heterosexual couples is 53.2% while in gay marriages is 42.3%. According to Moats, the disparity is attributed to the fact that gay couples do not face problems of infidelity and adultery compared to heterosexual couples (Moats, 56). This is because their relationship is based on emotional factors rather than on love only. In order to enhance the marriage institution, the society should legalize gay marriage as a way of strengthening the family institution.
Adoption of children:  In most communities, people get married for the purpose of procreation. However, there are heterosexual couples who are unable to give birth to their own children and they are allowed to adopt children. This provision implies that marriage is not based on purpose of procreation as claimed in the society but, on other parameters beyond societal interests. In a similar pursuit, gay couples should be accorded same rights of adopting children just  

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