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Asthma ..........................................................................................................................................................3
Anatomy and Physiology..............................................................................................................................4
Symptoms .....................................................................................................................................................5
Effect of Asthma ...........................................................................................................................................7
Policy and Standards of Care........................................................................................................................8
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................9
In the medical terms, asthma is one of the chronic diseases which are prevalent mostly in the
children (Aaron, 2017). With the practitioner’s approach, asthma can be controlled at the very
stage by the process of spreading the awareness and education among the children and their
families. Most of the cases remain untreated, for which the victims suffer for the rest of the life.
In this paper, the chronic disease is broadly explained with respect to its adverse effects and
symptoms. Moreover, it also describes the prevalent causes as well as possible treatments in
order to cure and mitigate the crucial health-related risks.
In the healthcare regime, many diseases are characterized as chronic as they have the adverse
effect on the health of a human body. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases,
which is prevalent in children mostly (Monaghan and Gabe, 2015). According to the healthrelated statistics and world census, approximately 6 million children are under the critical effects
of asthma due to which they have been on the mere stages of treatment and survival. However,
the disease is referred as a chronic inflammatory lung disease which causes a patient to suffer
from various health issues, such as episodic coughs, breathing issues, and wheezing.
While Asthma itself s chronic, the disease can form different levels of insignificant functions that
may vary in terms of symptoms or the inheritance of disease (Orsborn and Demetriou, 2017).
During the episodic asthma attack, a sufferer undergoes painful symptoms due to which the
airway lining in the lungs are blocked, causing the patient to suffer from the swollen and
inflamed lungs. Moreover, the contraction of muscles are also affected due to which the muscles 
are swollen and hence, the production of airways are carried out throughout the muscular system
due to which the airflow is excessively reduced.
Functionally, asthma is characterized in different ways, such as:
Airway Inflammation - the lining from which the airway is passed becomes red i.e. swollen due
to which the passage of airway is narrowed in the physical terms.
Airway Obstruction – the muscles are highly impacted by the airway tightening due to which it
becomes difficult for the air to pass the narrow passage as well as difficulty occurs to get air in
and out of the lungs.
Airway Hyper-Responsiveness – the muscles affected by the airway responds quickly to the
small amounts of allergens and irritants.
Anatomy and Physiology
A human body is mainly attacked by asthma when there is a possibility of becoming bronchi and
bronchioles inflammable, which in turn narrows the space from where the air is passed to the
passage of lungs (Rectenwald, n.d.). Due to this it becomes critical for the lungs to bear the in
and out of the air. Perhaps, the asthma attacks are often prevails with the mild chest pressure as
well as the episodic dry coughs. As the effect of attack increases, symptoms of wheezing are
developed due to which there is an increase in the pitch, causing more difficulty in breathing and
hence, the cough produces mucus, which is a thick and stringy substance.
The process continues to increase in a critical way which further includes the stage of airway
inflammation prevention. At 

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