Book Analysis of Constitution Café

Book Analysis of Constitution Café
	Christopher Philips is an American writer born in July 15th, 1959. He is a PhD holder in Communications, at Edith Cowan University, where he graduated in 2009, and has Master’s degrees in natural sciences, humanities, and education. He did his most popular and insightful book “Socrates Cafe” in 2001 (Phillips, 5). The book earned a global recognition especially due to its guidance, which led to the formation of Socrates Cafe groupings around the world. His latest book “the Constitution Cafe” was issued in August 2011, and revolves around a new constitution draft. Christopher travels around the country facilitating dialogues with the citizens, using Jefferson’s freedom ideas of drafting a new constitution after a period of every 20 years (Phillips, 11).
Considering Jefferson’s cause, Christopher Phillips shows the way a diverse cluster of Americans, implicitly fruited basic and innovative Constitutional Convention. Christopher Constitution Café has endorsed a much-required discussion about the founding text considerably. Many scholars have suggested that the United States requires constitutional change but all are confused or do not know exactly how to complete it. Christopher Phillips has come up with a right answer and he educates the Americans about how they can better their nation. Phillips has also united the thoughts of Socrates and the perception of Jefferson to give an idea of the way to how to change the constitution (Phillips, 5). Jefferson thinks that the Constitution should be modified every so often to maintain with the varying period.
	The main message revolves around America’s constitution revolution. Many Americans have no idea on how the constitution can be altered in order to become more constructive and pertinent for the current society. Christopher combines current discourse with reminiscence about dialogues of Jefferson’s times. The dialogues are respectful and reasonable, attributes, which are sometimes missing in the current political discourse. In his book, Constitution Café by Christopher Phillips obviously takes a fresh scrutiny at the Constitution.
	 Christopher Phillips is largely considered as an educator, author, and pro-democracy campaigner. The focus of the narrative is that the author suggests that how the American public can rewrite the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson argues that each age group of Americans should revise and modify the Constitution from scratch. He says that the rewriting of the constitution is meant to represent the development of the human mind. In particular, he believes that the rewriting of the constitution will also keep up the revolutionary spirit.
Christopher argues that the current constitution should not be amended, instead, a new constitution drafting is necessary in order to create meaningful reforms. He travels around the country, in order to meet with green activists, students, Tea Party cohorts, and others, to activate grassroots dialogues on the contents of the new Constitution. Christopher echoes Thomas Jefferson sentiments that the constitution should be re-drafted after each 20 years.
Christopher argues that the main reason why the citizens feel that the Obama’s government failed to deliver was because the current unreformed constitution was handed over by selfish individuals who had malicious intentions. This prevents responsibility and responsiveness on the part of government, which are key element towards effective constitution. The government should not amend the current constitution since a time has come for revolution. This form of revolution calls for a newly drafted constitution, which will address the current issues.
Christopher’s work is an expansion of Jefferson’s inventive proposal (Phillips, 2). Among Christopher’s proposed citizenship benefits are child’s rights to quality education, election process modeling in reality shows such as the American Idol, and provision of $50,000 to every citizen at the age of 18 years. The constitution should be drafted after every two decades in order to suit the needs of the on-going generation (Vile, 1355). Times are changing fast and older techniques may not be applicable in governing the new generation requirements. Some of the rules in the old constitution may be out dated and not adequately cater for the societal needs. However, not all the aspects from the old constitution may be useless. Some may provide significant resources, which can be incorporated in the new constitution. 
In conclusion, constitution revolution is a significant aspect in the contemporary world. Rules, which were significant in the last few decades, may be insignificant in the current dynamic world. Christopher’s revolutionary ideas are equally significant, although they should be amended in order to balance the available resources and the needs of the citizens. Drafting a new constitution without consulting the 

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