Organisational structure is the basis and critical factor in making any internal and external environmental decisions , and the businesses function depending on the same. In this report attempt is made to study the different groups of the business organisations, their appropriate organizations and their functional interrelations. It also further presents a study on how an organisation’s macro economic environment has an influence on the business decisions and roles. The example taken to present the study in the report is of McDonald’s and its current organisational environment using PESTEL analysis to comprehend the external factors for the business and further detailed factors of the industry that may influence business processes and the decision made considering them.

About the Organisation

When we talk about the fast food industry, the name that flashes is the McDonald which undoubtedly is the global leader and giant. The numbers associated to it boasts of its existence as the biggest chain globally for fast food, with 35,000 stores or more globally that are in setups , productively in approximately 120 countries or more, which serve delightful fast food to almost 70 million consumers across the world, every year. Its presence in UK only, is roughly than 1250 eateries (McDonalds, 2018). McDonald’s restaurant is mainly on the franchise model, there is a presence of restaurants that belong to and managed by McDonald’s Corporation. In the United Kingdom almost 65% of the restaurants under the McDonald’s group function on franchise model, remaining 35 percent are retained by the McDonalds , employ 85,000 or more people (Woods, 2017).

Background Information:First McDonald's was opened in 1940 by siblings Richard and Maurice McDonald ,at 1398 NE Street , West ,14th Street San Bernardino, California . Though Ray Kroc had made it a modern business. “Speedee Service System" was introduced by the brothers in 1948. The original symbol of McDonald's was a chef hat on top of a hamburger referred as "Speedee". The famous sign, Ronald McDonald, was make known in 1965. The clown was used to target the children audience.

Products and services:McDonald's largely vends hamburgers, types of chicken sandwiches , the famous French fries, soft drinks and beverages, breakfast menu , and desserts.
Services are either "eat-in" or "take-out". "Eat-in" meals are given on trays with a paper lined on it. "Take-out" food items are typically provided with the fillings in a typical McDonald's -exclusive brown bags.
Size :McDonald's is the universally biggest chain by profits, serves 69 million patrons every day more than 100 nations, over the globe and more that 36,900 outlets as of data produced in 2016.
As per BBC , paper issued in 2012, it is the second biggest private employer in world after Walmart having 1.9 million workers.
Business Objective:Effective supervision and worldwide spreading out approaches to move in the new markets and access and gain a share of the overseas fast food market

Activity 1:

Types of organisation discussed below:

Businesses are bodies that are usually formed by individuals or group; their intention is to carry out industry operations and its profitable undertakings. These are broadly categorised based on the legal structures and the organisation operations. In this write up, the three broad groups of any corporate groups that are namely public, private, and the voluntary groups.


A private organisation is possessed, organized and be able to be managed by individuals or groups of individuals (Surbhi S, 2015). These type of organisation fall under the category of profit making and the profit usually used for development and expanding the company. Tesco and McDonald’s examples in this write up are good examples of companies in the private sector. Further, there are sub groups namely partnership, sole dealer ship, and the franchise model

A company in public sector is upheld and run by the government. In comparison to the private organisations their sole purpose is not to seek profits, rather attached to the objectives other than this. Larger social good, common citizen’s needs, providing employment, etc. A virtuous example is BBC.

Lastly, the voluntary sector are organisations that includes the joint ownership of the government and the non-government charitable organisations. For example Oxfam

Cambridge University is another Private sector institutes which is a non-profit seeker compassionate organisation, that is dedicated to endorse larger good like the education and research.

Legal Structures:

The country’s legislative system that controls the performing of commercial activities in a business is represented by legal structure of that organisation, denoted by the frame work .
The most simplest form of business structure is a single ownership or Sole trader, in this one-man runs show and 

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