Business Sustainability

 Business Sustainability
It is easy to identify and at the same time challenging to measure a business’s social impact. To achieve sustainability, it is vital to understate the company effects on the environment and the society. Sustainability has three inter-linked dimensions: social, economic, and environmental. Most companies are supportive to a natural environment, have social goals, and also have an impact on the society in as far as the economy is concerned. Therefore, Companies should not be seen as a separate power since they are a part of the community. On the other hand, customer satisfaction, globalisation, and technological advances have related the need for higher productivity. In other words, Companies must strive to convert machine, materials, labour, and capital into services and goods. Some of the ways a Company needs to consider is using technology to improve operations, review the existing setup, and implement a continuous improvement attitude. This business project paper will try to examine the considerations that should be looked at by a company when it tries to put up a social impact as well as what it needs to check for the business to improve in operation.
The Considerations Looked at by a Company in the Attempt of Social Impact Creation
There’ve been noticeable shifts experienced in the manner of socialism in the past ten years. Nowadays, Companies think of the strategic driver of value as the social impact of the business (Epstein & Buhovac 2014, p. 35). The evolvement of social consequences from a pure public relation plays a significant role in the corporate strategy of creating and protecting values. This is majorly a trend that is mostly driven by millennial consumers. All this has been enabled via social media tools which in one way or the other have taken transparency and accountability to an elated height. A firm strategy integrates social impact across all units of the business and is utilised as an input to explore opportunities of the new market. Social impact is integral to the embedded strategy across of business units as well as the processes (Esteves, Franks & Vanclay 2012, p.18). Socially conscious markets and goods are developed by the firm.
Social impact is significant for some reasons. First, the characteristic of culture is that it is not inherited, but rather it is learned. Therefore, culture lies between the human nature and individual personality. Secondly, social impact can be shared since it exists in societies and groups. Also, social impact defines a Company’s behaviour, etiquette, and values.  
Notably, the metrics of both social impact and financial metrics are considered and elevated alongside. Social implications play a significant role by helping a Company like Toyota remain competitive and identify new growth opportunities (Toppinen and Korhonen‐Kurki 2013, p. 53). Social impact is gradually becoming a growth strategy for Toyota Corporation hence the executive should make intentional choices. The social consequences of Toyota Company comprise of direct financial support for the people. Utilising the mobile technology, internal brainstorming before approaching the mobile market experts to bring them to life increases social impact (Asgary & Li 2014, p. 19). Nevertheless, designers towards the deals fall prey in that they possess too much attraction and doesn’t have the patience to process extensively so that the initiatives can be viewed through a meaningful point (Epstein & Buhovac 2014, p. 24).
Competition on a level ground is a healthy way of increasing business skills (Kirzner 2013, p. 73). Toyota Company has several competitors in the car selling market that has made them stronger with time. Some of the market competitors are Ford Motor Company, Nissan, General Motors, and lastly Isuzu. The competition within the motor, as mentioned above, vehicle manufacturing companies is seen in the type of vehicles they produce, their nature regarding cars, light commercial vehicles, heavy commercial vehicles, and heavy bus. Toyota Company does not deliver all of the above types of vehicles, and that is why the competitive companies might get a larger advantage of having a more significant sales advantage. Another competition is the vast markets in the society that each company has acquired globally. Not all businesses have the permits to export their products to various parts of the world.
Like all other industries, motor vehicle manufacturing has several problems affecting its operations (Bain 2013, p. 67). Industrial regulations are so many, comprised from safety and health to waste disposal. Innovations and developing of products have become a massive issue due to the high pace that the world is moving. The gap between the skilled manufacturers and the incumbent ones is increasingly demanding. The companies with more money take the talented young producers (Klein, Schuh, & Triest 2003, p. 162).
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