Career Challenges For Women

 Career Challenges For Women
Within the last thirty years, women lives have undergone with tumultuous changes, even though, they have made significant gains in various work situations and opportunities. According to the united nation publication, there are many women, who lag far behind then men in terms of power, wealth, opportunity and education. However, the participation of women as a labour force has increased tremendously from past many years (Noon, 2001). Still there are many barriers, which restrain them to work in this male dominated society. Attributing from this, the current report will explore literature review in regards with various career challenges being faced by women in Johannesburg by mainly focusing on three main themes i.e. gender inequality, lack of exposure and family pressure. Further, the research design related to the current topic will be included in the subsequent research report.
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From the past few decades, quite significant change has been noticed in the field of higher education in Johannesburg. It is being known as the big commercial centre of South Africa and home to its core industries such as finance, mining and telecommunications. Further, the work environment in Johannesburg is very aggressive, competitive as well as demanding. However, it has high rate of unemployment, due to which people migrate to other part of the world in search for a suitable job. In addition to this, there is plenty of demand for skilled workforce (Beckman and D’Amico, 1995). Now, in Johannesburg increasing number of women is taking part in the academic field. However, still it is quite evident of a glass ceiling that is preventing women to reach at the top position in the organization in uniformity with men. When talking in regards with the nations, who have high sophisticated and family-friendly policies, still women are not able to ascend same rate of academic hierarchy with that of the men. Women, whether working or not working in the organization, face many challenges.
Gender inequality
Through the society of decades, the issue in relation with the gender inequality has been publicly reverberating. Today, the issues of gender inequality are one of the most pressing issues. To examine such issue, one needs to put efforts to get to the root of the problem (Rostami-Povey, 2007). Further, comprehension about the sociological factors, which causes women to go through difficult time for the purpose of gaining same benefit, salary, wages and many other opportunities as compared to male, is also required. When throwing light on the society in which all live, it has been historically shaped and nurtured by males (Unterhalter, 2005). Most of the policies, legislation and rules are predominantly developed and created by males. Thus, consequently, it is not surprising to know that the community reflects a sense of biasness, which is mainly because of the dominance of male. Articulating from this, it becomes quite important to evaluate all facets of this issue. However, to analyze such issue, it is required to be recognized that this gender inequality in the workforce is rooted in that factor, which helps in shaping the future employees as well as employers education (Bowen, Cattell and Distiller, 2008).
In this male dominated brokerage environment, women are given very less opportunity to excel. All men as well as other members of the society consider women quite weaker as compared to men. Further, they also believe that they are being born to remain in the boundaries of home and perform their responsibilities towards their house rigorously. In corner of the society, boy is always being regarded as a best gender as compared to girls (England, 2010). This articulates from the fact that the males will going to fame the name of their ancestors and will support their house financially. For all these reasons, the role of women from years was limited only to maintain their house, upbringing children and carrying out all the responsibility as a mother, sister, wife and daughter. However, from the few decades, this problem is somehow decreasing, but still in rural and many other developing nations, it is prevailing at a high rate. Many ways need to be adopted by the organizations and society as a whole to bring an end to this issue. This can be better done by social and economic development (Frome and et. al., 2006). Further, due to the emergence of globalization, many nations are collaborating with each and other in order to achieve common objectives. This in turn influences the perceptions of society in many developed and developing nations and thus, gender equality can be encouraged significantly (Strengmann-kuhn, 2007.
Lack of exposure
In this male dominated society, women are given very less opportunities to excel in the business. When talking  

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