Case Study in Development Psychology
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Case Study in Development Psychology
Social and cognitive development theories, in essence, actually relate to the
understanding of health and healthcare. By studying these two theories, it helps to understand the
various behavioural changes methods that apply to long-term treatment adherence (Glanz K,
Rimer BK, Viswanath, 2008). Later stages of child development are likely to be evidenced by
cognitive complexities. They can result in reduced anxiety in the child, as a matter of being able
to use information about diagnosis, causation and treatment of their illness (Bandura, 1986). The
social and cognitive establishment can be influenced by critical diseases, such as Morag’s
diabetic condition. However, reversibility can help the child to cope with such difficulties in their
lives. The paper discusses how Morag’s social and cognitive development has been affected by
diabetes while emphasizing on factors that are helping and hindering the ability to normalize this
Illness can affect a child’s social and intellectual growth through certain limitations.
Especially in terms of their interaction with friends, while playing and all along having control
over their health condition. Morag’s cognitive growth is seen to be impaired by several factors,
including her ability to value reciprocal relations. Understanding fully an individual’s
capabilities can only be attained by considering their perception of the situation. This can foster
the quality of their communication and their compliance with health management procedures.
Realizing that her mother has feelings and taking into account these feelings or actions can help
in returning Morag’s situation to normal.
The mental maturity level of children with chronic illness can influence their view of the
condition and in turn, dictate those components of disease management that can be left to them
to handle. However, parents need to encourage their children to express their fears. If parents and
other individuals reassure these children, it will assist them in dealing with their condition. For
Morag’s situation, her mother finds it hard to transfer responsibility to her. She feels it is not the
right time to forsake her children, with regards to her condition. Parents must weigh the way they
support independence and healthy development while maintaining their monitoring duties and
administer restrictions relating to disease management (DiClemente, Crosby, Kegler, 2002).
Restriction from playing with friends may result in Morag experiencing developmental
complications that would otherwise not have appeared. It slows down her social development.
Children must have an opportunity to interact with others, as it promotes their learning skills and
practices language (Grol et al., 2007). The ability to share information and develop solutions to
problems improves the child’s cognitive development. Similarly, a game can help with the
execution of essential remedial and therapeutic procedures (Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath,
2008). Morag may have been neglected, as she spent most of her time playing alone. However, it
has been observed that the social status of such neglected children might improve after some
time and there have been few cases of long-term emotional ailment (McLero, Bibeau, Steckler,
Glanz, 1988).
Several various psychosocial theories have been developed to change, explain and predict
health behaviours. The social and cognitive models do not deny that behaviour is influenced by
multiple factors, which include personality, culture and social structure. However, they also
assume that the effects of such distant factors are mostly largely or entirely mediated by the
various proximal factors that are specified by the model (Bandura, 1986).
Most public health programs that have proved their performance are exclusively based on
an understanding of the numerous health behaviors and how they occur or are likely to occur.
Therefore, healthcare-based interventions can be used to improve health behaviors by utilizing
relevant theories skillfully. One of such approaches is operational thinking that helps the child to
follow complex procedures, particularly therapeutic, such as giving insulin injection
independently (Joronen, Rankin, Astedt-Kurki, 2008).
Bandura (1986) articulated the social cognitive theory, which is the cerebral formulation
of the social learning theory. He uses a 3-way dynamic and reciprocal model to explain human
behavior in which environmental influences, personal factors, and behavior continually interact.
The social and cognitive development theories synthesize the processes and concepts from
emotional, behavioral, and cognitive methods of b 

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