Causes Of Stress

 Stress is the tension or pressure on the mind when an unwanted condition arises. Stress is known as a situation where one is not happy with the results of the work done.
There are many causes of stress, and many things which can cause stress. From household chores to the national and international level, the stress appears on every individual. There are some kinds of stress that appear for a short time, while there are some kinds of stress that prolong for many years upon an individual or upon any company that is called a long term stress or long prevailing stress (Stephens, 2010 p.48).
The short term stress is usually caused by work load at office, at schools and universities on students. Even a household can feel short term stress if she is not making home activities properly and within the time. Time management is a key factor, plying an important role in controlling and creating stress. While a viral infection to the patient and also creates a short term stress. These short term stresses can be ruled out with the passage of time. These do not have effect of the health as these stresses go on with the life. But when it comes to long term stress, like any chronic disease, permanent tension at work place, any student not doing well in academics, or personal problems at home, these can create a lot of problems health wise. One can even loose life if this long term stress go on for a longer period of time and is not addressed properly and accordingly. In biological words, stress is a common and normal factor, and it fights with the external world in situations that are hard to face.
Now we will discuss in details that how many kinds of stress are present and how they affect our body system, lives and our working.

There are many reasons from health wise that can cause stress.
- Chronic illness: when one has a chronic illness or disease like heart problems, hepatitis, tuberculosis, these create stress on the human mind (Richard Contrada, 2010 p.23). aperson will be constatntly in stress until he/ she is not fully recovered from that disease. The stress of tking pills, the stress to visist the doctor on the right time, the stress to maintain healhy and good food that suits the ilness, these all types of stress go on with the chronic diseases. And it apart from the disease play a vital role in damaging mind and body.
- Emotions: when one is feeling something wrong in his work, or someone gets a bad news from someone, these are emotional stresses. These reasons can do harm to the health. Emotional stress is related to relations also. If the marriage is not working well, there is a rivalry among siblings or relatives, if a person wants perfection in a relation and other does not fulfill the commitments, then these emotional stresses are very fatal to the human body.
- Job/work stress: when one is having trouble at his workplace this also creates stress. Take a simple example, when a person is going for some job interview, he feels stress on his mind, when a student is taking an exam, he also feels stress. There have been surveys and reports worldwide, and these surveys have showed that the stress at work places, with any organization, company is the most severe kinds of stress. Such stress has taken many valuable lives. The stress at the work place not only causes bad impact on the life of an employee, but it also harms the efficiency of a company. The company’s demands of work are not fulfilled, so it also creates disturbance at the working place.
- Apart from the above reason that creates stress, the environment and the seasons also create stress among some people. For example, there are some people who are allergic to noise pollution, or air pollution, but they are living in such an area, where these two factors exist, so these factors create stress on the person. His min will not work properly, and he will be continuously in a stress, affecting his work, life and everything. And it is due to this stress that leads to severe health problems, mainly he heart problems. Heart is that part of body that is directly affected by negative and positive responses from the environment. If the environment gives positive signals, the heart works normally, but in some cases when the environment does not give positive signals the heart could not bear the stress and thus heart attacks occur.

Theories relating to stress:
Richard S.Lazarus, S. F. (1986). Cognitive Theories of Stress and The Issue of Circularity. 63-80
Broadly speaking and more technically speaking, there are many theories present about the stress (Richard S.Lazarus, 1986.p 63-80). The writer, Lazarus has explained these theories in detail in his work, and showing how the person responds to the stress. In one of the theory, the response of the same person to three or more situations is recorded. And it was found that a person may not feel stress in all situations. For example, if a person is exposed to relations, work load and other social contacts 

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