Certain Rule/Policy in the Us Military Should be Changed

Certain Rule/Policy in the Us Military Should be Changed
	Military is a vital force of any country in the world especially for its security and functioning. This is due to the protection provided to the particular nation from invasion by external enemy, and therefore guarding even the economy of a nation. However, it is disturbing to note that there are issues and challenges that take place within the military itself. The US army has had different policies, which discriminate against certain people and sparked discussion on whether they should undergo changes. Some of the policies have to undergo changes to keep the impartiality and prejudice in the U S military.
	In the past, the United States Army had barred women in the army from being assigned to frontline roles in the battlefield. This was due to the feeling of the need to protect the women from being caught in crossfire with the enemy. However, there has been many report portraying that the U.S. military is ending its policy of keeping women out of combat, and will open combat jobs and direct combat units to female troops as well. The goal of changing this policy is to open as many jobs as possible and open all specialties to the maximum extent possible to women. Women have shown immense bravery and sacrifice on and off the battleground that contributed in unparalleled ways to the military's mission and confirmed their ability to serve in an increasing number of roles.
	Complicated military rules have hindered the women from participating in the army. This is due to the existence of the formerly complicated rules that did not allow the women to participate in the battlefield. Changing this policy will enable the women to go for the battle like their male counter parts. Right through its history, the US Military has had a not consistent policy when it came to homosexuals in the military (Thompson 1). A good example can be cited in reference to this case, where prior to changes in the rules, many people had been ejected from the US army as a result for being gay. This was due to the fact that gay people would remain in the army for as long as their relationship remained a secret. However this did not mean that they had no equal capabilities with people who were straight. After the change in this rule, the gay members of the US forces were allowed to remain in the forces and their performance has been as equally good as those that are not gay. This is the same case with the women in the forces, as deterring women for frontline roles does not mean that their performance cannot be equated to that of their male collogues. 
	The solution to this problem is to officially acknowledge that women have the same capability as men to serve in battle. This is a case that has been witnessed in different war fronts such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where the female engagement teams have served alongside the male combat units. The female teams have been of great assistance during soldiers’ interaction with local communities in societies where the local communities do not allow the male soldiers’ contact with women. These roles have in many situations, placed women at crossfire with the enemy, where they have emerged victorious. This indicates that women have already been handling real frontline responsibilities but the problem is that they have not been officially-recognized, as able to handle the situation. 
	Individuals that are against the recognition of women as capable of serving in the frontline in the army argue that the male soldiers have a hard time believing that the female soldier in in a position to cover them in cases of fire. They also argue that women are not created with the same physical capabilities as the men, which can pose a challenge and put the life of the rest members of a unit in the line (Thompson 3). They also argue that the inclusion of women in the different male units will increase the cases of sexual harassment. These reasons have been used to prevent the women from being included in the active combat units with the view that it is for their own safety and the safety of others in the army. However, these are reasons that cannot be supported by the fact that before getting in to the US army, every candidate is assessed for physical fitness and undergoes a training program, preparing them for war, which includes handling situations at the frontline in a war scenario. Though the people against the inclusion of women in the frontline site that male soldiers are more aggressive than females, which is best for good performance, this same attitude has been accredited with causing more injuries and leasing to suicide missions. 
	In conclusion, throughout the U.S. history, developments in military capability have been fueled by innovation; there are some essential rules and policies that should be changed for the effectual functioning of the military. Among these rules is the inclusion of the women te 

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