Chart 1. GDP per capita for Australia

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Chart 1. GDP per capita for Australia
The economy of Australia from the year1998 through to the year 2002 was stagnating due to
economic recession that hot developed countries in the early 2000s. However, in the last quarter
of 2003 most of the developed economies rebounded. This is reflected by the chart above that
shows that GDP per capita growth in Australia rebounded from the year 2004. By the year 2008,
the GDP per capita level of Australia had reached twice the level of GDP per capita of the year
2001. GDP per capita slowed down as a result of financial crisis that hit the world in 2009
slowing down most of economies of the world. However with gradual recovery in the year 2010
gave the Australian economy some lifeline as it occasioned increased GDP per capita on 2010
that continued to 2011.
Chart 2. GDP per capita for Brazil
Brazil’s economy so is GDP per capita was on a downward trend from the year 1999 through to
2003, a similar economic situation that faced developed economies. During the early 200s,
developed countries experienced mild recession, which affected even emerging economies like
Brazil and India. Growth was restored in the fourth quarter of 2003 and as a result most of world
economies during this period witnessed economic growth. From the graph, Brazil, for example,
experienced steady growth from the year 2004 to the year 2008. However, Brazil GDP per capita
reduced marginally in the year 2009 following the global financial crisis that hit the world. GDP
per capita growth was restored in 2010 and continued through 2011. 
Chart 3. GDP per capita for China
According the chart above the GDP per capita for China has been on an upward sloping trend
from 1998 to present. Surprisingly, Chinese economy withstood the early 2000s economic
recession that hit developed economies and affected emerging economies such as Brazil and
India. Similarly, Chinese economy withstood the recent financial crisis in 2009 that slowed most
of the economies. This illustrates resilience of the Chinese economy backed by sound economic
policies that fosters growth even in times of economic crisis, and thus steady growth in GDP per
capita throughout the years from 1998 to 2011.
Chart 4. GDP per capita for Spain
Spain economy, just like any ither developed economy, experienced stagnant or a slow down
during the early 2000s recession that ended in the fourth quarter 2003. From the year 2004
through the year 2008, Spain witnessed steady growth in GDP per capita levels. The steady
growth was, however, cut short by the global financial crisis and the Euro crisis that hit
developed economies and European member countries respectively. Though Spain witnessed a
rise in GDP per capita in 2011, it was extremely marginal. 
Chart 5. GDP per capita for Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is a country found on the southern region of Africa. The African economy was once
an economic powerhouse in Africa. According to Ewane (2008) Zimbabwe at independence was
one of the strongest economies in the southern region of Africa and by extension in Africa.
However, the graph above shows that from the year 1999 to the year 2008, Zimbabwe’s
economy slowed down, with the GDP per capita reducing from almost 600 in 1999 to a record
low of 380. Poor economic and governance policies that rocked Zimbabwe at the start of the
millineum are to blame for the drastic fall in GDP per capita levels between the year 2000 and
the year 2008. Surprisingly, Zimbabwe recorded an increase in GDP per capita in 2009 when
most of the world economies, especially developed, economies were experiencing a slow down.
The third world country has maintained steady growth for the past three years , 2008-2011.
Chart 6. GDP Current $ for Australia, Brazil, China and Spain
Plotting GDP current $ for countries, Australia, Brazil, China, Spain and Zimbabwe on the same
plot line reveals that Zimbabwe’s GDP current $ level is way below the other countries.
Therefore it is moved to a separate graph for it to be visible. Chinese GDP current $ has been on
an upward slope from the year 1998 to the year 2011 because of robust economic policies. From
2008, Brazil overtook Spain in terms of GDP current $ because Spain is experiencing economic
challenges due to the Euro Zone crisis and inability to pay its sovereign debts. It is evident that
Australia, though a first world economy, has a small economy in terms of GDP current $
compared to emerging economies such as Brazil and China.
Chart 7. GDP current $ for Zimbabwe
Due to the negligible size of Zimbabwe’s GDP current $ compared to the other countries,
Australia, Brazil, China and Spain. Zimbabwe’s GDP current $ was moved to a separate chart to
facilitate easier analysis. It is evident from the chart that GDP 

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