China Culture

 China Culture
In this paper, we comprehensively analyze the Chinese culture. It specifically covers a brief history of China, its language, arts, food and demographics. Additionally, it covers the economic growth in the country as well as the impact it has on the people, it also addresses the environment. In the same line, we evaluate the religious practices of the country, cultural values and government system, how they affect its people and the nation. Lastly, in relation of culture, we analyze the manner in which the country related to the six Geert Hofstede’s Value Dimensions as well as business practices.

China Culture Paper
China is situated in the Eastern part of Asian continent. The official name of the country is People’s Republic of China. Its land area is approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, which makes it the second largest nation after land in land mass terms. The capital of the country is Beijing, which is the administrative center and the major business hub as well in the Asian Continent.

History of China
Before 1911, China was seen as a feudalistic economy under Qing authorities (Yasheng, 2010). By the year 1949, it was a predominant agricultural economy (Zhun, 2013). The duration from 1949 to 1956 was referred to as the golden era of industrialization in China (Zhun, 2013). It was in the course of this period that primary industries like steel, chemical, textile, automobile and defense were established. The GDP growth rate of the country was over 20% per annum (Yasheng, 2010). Mao Tse Tung, summoned his fellow countrymen so they could speed up the process of industrialization; unfortunately, this led to the 1958 and 1959 economic recessions (Yasheng, 2010). During the start of 1960s, under Liu Shaoqi leadership China’s economy recovered (Keyser, 2013). But, as Liu amassed more power within the communist party, Mao felt threatened. Consequently, he begun the Chinese Cultural Revolution with the aim of suppressing Liu and his followers (Keyser, 2013). It was during this period of industrialization spread that the entire region of China became industrialized (Keyser, 2013). Under dictatorship of Mao, a large number of talented Chinese students pursued engineering and science courses rather than art which explained emergence of a high number of talented scientists and engineers.

Following the death of Mao in 1976, Deng Xiaoping arose as the leader of the country and introduced pro-capitalism economic ideology (Keyser, 2013). During this period of leadership, the economic growth rate of China rose by 10% more per annum. He managed to bring the country back to economic development path which has been interrupted significantly during the last year of Mao’s leadership. His focus was on 4 core modernization areas which included defense, science, agriculture and technology. Additionally, he dismantled the communes established by Mao and replaced them with Household Responsibility System via which every household was held accountable to the state for what it agreed to produce an was permitted to keep surplus production which could be used privately (Keyser, 2013). Economic restructuring which was initiated by Deng Xiaoping led to significant efficiency gains and also contributed to over tenfold increase in the nation’s GDP from 1978. As of 2012 China’s economy was the largest economy in the world in terms of power parity purchasing (CIA, 2013). However, in the terms of per capital income, China still fell below the world average, with 13.4% of its population living below poverty line (CIA, 2013).

As of July, 2013, according to the CIA, the population of China was estimated to be 1.3 billion people. With this large population, the country is the most populated globally (CIA, 2013). A large percentage of the people in the country are aged 25 to 54 and they account of the total populace (CIA, 2013). The elderly (65 years and above) are a minority and they account for 9.4% of the country’s population (CIA, 2013). The population growth rate still remains at 0.46. Majority of people are moving from rural areas to cities as such, the rate of urbanization stands at 2.85% (CIA, 2013). The cities that are most densely populated include Shanghai with 16.575 million people, the capital city with 15.594 million people, Chongqing with 9.401 million people, Shenzhen with 9.005 million and Guangzhous with 8.884 million people (CIA, 2013). In regard to literacy, 95.1% of all people aged from 15 and above can not only read but write as well.

Economic Growth, its Impact on the People and Environment
From the time market reforms were introduced in China in 1978, the country moved from one with an economy that is centrally based to a marked based one. According to Yasheng (2010), the country also witnessed rapid economic and social development. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth accounted for 10% per annum and majority of people were lifted from poverty (World Bank, 2013 

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