Classification Essay

Classification Essay
[Student Name]
[Composition II]
[Classification Essay]
[Current Date]
High amount of responsibilities are associated with the role of the boss as they predominantly lie
on their shoulders. The bosses are essentially required to effectively manage and lead the
employees along with inspiring and encouraging the employees. Apart from that, the bosses who
fail to effectively manage the employees can lead to the development of a susceptible
environment. This environment development can further contribute to conflict and unsatisfied
workers. Therefore, the bosses play a significant role in the course of organizations failure as
well as success as they are the source of increasing productivity through their management
techniques. Each type of the boss differs in their leadership and management style; thus, this
essay aims to evaluate those different types of boss/supervisors.
The discipline expert has sufficient knowledge about the management of the company. These
people store knowledge of the different tasks irrespective of their parent realms. On the other
hand, the hands-off boss is defined as the boss who grants liberty and ultimate freedom to their
workers along with the flexibility to quite some extent (Edwards, 2016). Such bosses tend to give
limited directions to the employees as they believe in the notion that the workers conventionally
work at their best with the minimal interference. The effective communication is regarded as an
important aspect with the hands-off boss type. It enables the voicing of the opinion in case of the
apparent uncertainties. 
The micromanager boss is relatively perceived as one of the toughest bosses to encounter in the
company. Such types of boss are likely to dig in the details and expect an individual to work
according to the stipulated instructions. These bosses do not encourage the sharing of
perspectives; however, the raising of opinion does not create any significant impact on the boss.
Considering the boss from the perspective of micromanager could negatively narrow down the
viewpoint of an individual and the abilities to build alliances, influence thinking and developing
connections (McNichol, p.28). The apathetic boss is quite similar in characteristics to the handsoff boss; however, there are some apparent key points for distinguishing between the two types.
The apathetic boss disregards his own position in the company and consequently becomes
indifferent to the success and failure of the employee. Moreover, this type does not encourage or
attempts to empower the employees; instead, it is hard to communicate.
The supervisor commonly referred to as the line manager holds the sole responsibility of
implementing and creating the flexible environment for the employees irrespective of the
existence of employee-friendly policies at the workplace (Well et al, n.d). The buddy boss is
regarded as the friendliest boss at the workplace. Such type of boss is inclined to welcome the
employees with a cherry disposition. Furthermore, such bosses do not stipulate strict deadlines
for their employees and render the freedom for the expression of the opinions. However, the
main drawback of the type is that it impedes the way of the constructive criticism which might
lead to the creative development of the pre-existing abilities. With such bosses, the employee is
required to set realistic goals, directions, and limits for himself. This approach significantly
involves the flexible nature of the boss.
Generally, the bosses are classified into many types; however, the main five classifications are
being discussed in the essay namely apathetic, buddy, micromanagers, hands-off and discipline
Edwards, Samuel. “The 7 Types of bosses you’ll meet (and how to deal with them)”.
(2016). [online] Available at:
McNichol, Janet. "Make It Work: Manage UP: Use these six tips to cultivate a healthy working
relationship with your boss." The ASHA Leader 18.10 (2013): 28-29.
Well, Eat, et al. "How employee friendly is your boss?." Nursing Standard 14.4. 

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