Cloud computing


Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to look into the feasibility of acquiring the services of cloud computing as opposed to the traditional ways of acquiring the data in the server room physically. Like an organisation, an individual also faces the problem of choosing between the two. For example- he has the opportunity of storing some individual files either on a portable device such as a USB or he or she can carry the same virtually on his mail via a saved copy and the same can be addressed from Internet anywhere. They organization should acquire the services so that the employees also get freedom from taking their devices even to places where they need not to as the systems are already installed with Internet access, but the managers can access their mail only through their own computer and not through the web. Thus, the report first introduces the company for which the report has been prepared. The report highlights the issues and challenges of It in the organisation, Finally, the reports provides a set of recommendations based on the cost-benefit analysis of cost computing as an alternative.

Table of Contents

Introduction	3
IT infrastructure: issues and challenges	4
Cloud Computing and its business benefits and costs	5
Cloud Computing as an Industry	6
Recommendation of cloud computing adoption	8
Conclusions	8
References	9
Appendix	9

This report relates to Pearsons group of advantage and the broad description has been given on the feasibility of acquiring cloud computation technique has been elaborated. The name of the organisation is Pearsons Private limited and it was incorporated back in 2000. It started as a manufacturer of electronic goods which were reasonable enough if it is considered from the point of view of price. The business in the last decade has seen some revolutionary changes in the era of technology and also due to the ever increasing globalisation (Morgan, G 2006). This has certainly changed the way how business is conducted and how it is approached by the top officials. Keeping up closely with the objective which is to build quality into operations and to ensure zero defect products and thereby achieving excellence in organisational performance and satisfaction of the customers, the business then decided to spread across various verticals which includes mobile manufacturing, test and repair centre, manufacturing innovative electronic goods which are compatible with other electronics so that they can be connected to each other to give the end customer a rich experience, this has certainly increased the need for top officials to negotiate and be in sync as both the producers of the company will have to adhere to certain principles so that their products or devices can be connected to each other, the company then decided to moved on to introducing an education centre of their own which is indeed a part of the service industry (Thornburg 2004). Service industry essentially involves a commitment of continuous and a consistent delivery of satisfaction to clients as it does not involve manufacturing a standard product, rather it involves the human element wherein every service delivered has the right to be different from another. The main business vertical of the company is still the production and manufacturing of innovative products to keep surprising their end customers and constantly giving them a wow effect. The company leaving apart the service business vertical of education centre, has got everything to do with innovative ideas and an important part of that is that even if an idea strikes an employee who might not belong to the senior management level, it should flow from bottom to top as the ideas which come from these employees cannot be ignored under any circumstances owing to the fact that they have rich experience they have from working everyday and the flow of information and ideas should be both vertical and horizontal in the internal environment of an organisation to ensure that the flow of ideas is justified which is inevitable for an organisation like this (Wolpert 1996).
IT infrastructure: issues and challenges
Since the company also specializes in providing chip level repair services to the clients, they have also recently expanded their business verticals to introduction of a call center and also have also started to offer their services in the wireless industry. The issues related to IT which they face as far as the call center is concerned are that they have to keep a track of all the data that holds critical value for the organisation. The organisation gets the data every month from the parent company and the same gets converted into useful data. Often, the IT issues and threats that have been identified are losing the data due to mishandling and not keeping it secure. The organisation often gets orders from national bodies for strengthening the overall network distri 

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