Coca-Cola Alternative Strategy for Changing Customer Preferences

Coca-Cola Alternative Strategy for Changing Customer Preferences
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................3
The Need for Marketing Research...............................................................................................3
The Marketing Research Problem ...............................................................................................4
Research Objectives....................................................................................................................4
Research design ..........................................................................................................................5
Information Types and Sources...................................................................................................5
Primary Sources......................................................................................................................6
Secondary Sources..................................................................................................................6
Methods of Accessing Data.........................................................................................................6
Design Data Collection Forms.....................................................................................................7
Sample Plan and Size ..................................................................................................................7
Methods of Collecting Data.........................................................................................................8
Analyzing Data ...........................................................................................................................8
Presentation of Report...............................................................................................................10
Coca-Cola Alternative Strategy for Changing Customer Preferences
The biggest manufacturers of all industries, the soft drink manufacturers have been facing
heavy criticism all over the world on its impact on health and its role in obesity. Soda taxes have
been instrumental in fighting the obesity in the US and many other countries. Any further steps
taken in this regard will only have a negative impact on the soft drink companies. The impact of
the taxation on the revenue of the soft drink company is dependent on many factors, including
the consumer preference towards it, the amount of tax, and the diversification of the product
lines of the company. Governments around the world had been trying to convince their citizens
of consuming less soda by making it more expensive or difficult to get their sugar-caffeine fix. It
has led the soda giants to change their soda products and diversify their portfolio into drinks
other than high-sugar drinks. For decades, it has been told to the world that things go better with
Coke. However, the world has seemingly decided against it. The consumers have become aware
of what is better for them and what is not. Sugar is one of these things which have led the world
decided against it. It is also reflected in the revenue stream of the Coca-Cola Company, whose
deteriorating finances are evident. Coca-Cola now needs to find its way around it (Gertner &
Rifkin, 2017).
The Need for Marketing Research
The company Coca-Cola has seen slumped profits for the last few years. Revenue of
Coca-Cola was down by 13% for the last five years, and the profit has declined by 28%. The
company is facing difficult times. The Coke USA has slashed over 100,000 jobs, and has also
changed its chief executives. All over the world, Coca-Cola is approaching cost-cutting of its
operations and franchises to keep up with the lower demand for the soft drink (Wolff, 2008). The 
Australian and South African business has been witnessing decline as well. Furthermore, the
company is also facing heavy levies on the drink which has to be borne by the consumer causing
its demand to decline further. The closure of the South Australian plant and the franchises which
are not very profitable shows that there is a need for finding out ways of coping with this
problem. The concerns about obesity, and the role of Coke in it, and the alternative ways of
diversifying the portfolio are to be considered in the research (Jacobson & Brownell, 2000).
Coca-Cola is neede 

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