Coca cola Reflective Summary

 Reflective SummaryReflective Summary
This group assignment gave us the chance to socialize, learn, and expand our thinking horizons through group discussions that provided an opportunity for brainstorming. Group learning is based on the principle of cooperative learning, which allows students in small groups to work together in the pursuit of new knowledge (Wahl, 1999). Cooperative learning is one of the most effective learning techniques, leading to greater achievement and productivity among learners because learners feel involved and ‘own’ the learning process due to the numerous opportunities that are present for self-expression (Beck, Chizhik& McElroy, 2005). In a cooperative learning environment, learners are more caring and supportive of each other, developing committed relationships and showing greater psychological health due to the reduced performance pressure. Research shows that a cooperative learning environment provides the necessary impetus that stimulates the connections between the tight interactions that are needed for the formation of new and complex concepts in learners (Neale, Carroll & Rosson, 2004). Our group assignment provided our group with the chance to establish and foster a cooperative learning environment, something that we implemented, helping us to achieve positive learning outcomes. However, cooperative learning presents some challenges, which if intervention measures are not implemented, that can reduce its effectiveness in some study environments (Dikici & Yavuzer, 2006). Although cooperative learning generally leads to positive outcomes, sometimes student achievement in cooperative environments is not significantly better compared to non-cooperative environments (Lou et al., 1996). In addition, the efficacy of cooperative learning depends on a group being cognizant of the need and value of the approach (Liang, 2004). Considering that we live in an individualistic society the biggest challenge was to ensure that none of the group members was freeloading and not contributing to the group work (Bower & Richards, 2006).
In group assignments, it is important that all group members engage fully in the group’s work by ensuring that everybody is motivated to become and remain an active participant because engagement leads to greater achievement (Akey, 2006). The motivation of members of our group could be described using the attributional theory of motivation framework that was developed by Weiner (1985). The attribution theory deals with the way people explain the events in their lives and how they deal with the consequent emotions and behaviors of their explanations. To enhance motivation, our group set clear goals and gave challenging assignments to each group member that a member had to research extensively on and present to the group. This is because when learners are tasked with completing tasks that are just within their abilities, they are likely to be more motivated than when engaging in easy tasks (Bandura & Cervone, 1986). The need for a learner to gain competence in a given task is one of the strongest bases for motivation (Newmann et al. 1992). By allocating each group member an area where she needed to be an expert so that she can share with group members, we were able to maintain the group’s high levels of motivation.
2.	 Brand Analysis
4.	 Brand And Ad Summary
Coca-Cola is one of the leading multinationals with a presence in virtually all the countries on earth and hence it is faced with the challenge of marketing the same product – the Coca-Cola soft drink – to people from different cultural backgrounds. To address some of the challenges posed by the cultural differences in each of the countries that Coca-Cola operates, the company has had to use a local approach to advertising by tailoring the advertising message to suit local preferences. Therefore, ads from each of the countries that Coca-Cola operates in are often different, containing features that are resonant with the local culture rather than having a one-size fits all ad.
1.	 Coca-Cola Rickshaw Ad India (2014)
The 49-second ad is about two young women who have just missed a bus and are likely to be late for their exams. Lacking an alternative means of transport, they take an offer for rickshaw ride that is driven by a healthy young man who takes a sip from a bottle of soda before driving them to their destination, overtaking the bus that the women had missed along the way. The rickshaw’s driver had been sleeping on his rickshaw, which is surprisingly well-adorned, before being woken up by another man holding the bottle of coke, which he takes and pops open apparently with his thumb. One of the women holds the rickshaw’s driver bottle of Coke all the way through their perilous journey through the crowded streets and returns it to him as soon as they alight from the rickshaw. As the women walk away from the rickshaw, there is a closing shot of the driver taking a long draught from the bottle of  

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