Comment on Student’s Reading Critique

 Comment on Student’s Reading Critique (The Security Principles to Live by)
I certainly agree to the assertion “to limit the access the user has to only what is necessary
and by limiting their security privileges…” Since different software is programmed using codes
and while the internet is wider in scope, it is difficult to control any threat to the security of one’s
computer. A computer software expert can penetrate even the most top secret codes because
they are programmable.
I understand that limiting the access would pose problems on the users and I could see
that it is a result of this action. Anyway it would be right to give other options which are to
replace the old codes with new ones. I guess, this has a lot more advantages for our future
application designers than coming up with new software using old codes. First, the new codes
will give the hackers who are using the old codes no opportunity to trace its path; secondly, the
new codes may be programmed with more advanced security features; and, third, it will spark
the new trend in software development. Likewise, old codes installed in updated software (or
new developed software) may only limit further progress in terms of software development
because of incompatibility issue with highly technologically advanced hardware to be invented
As our technology advances, software developers must also insure security implications
to the product. Coming up with new product grounded in research may be the right solution to
lessen the threat in using computer. Never invent/develop product that may bring security
problem to the users.
Comment #2 on Student’s Reading Critique (The Problem of Cybercrime)
Computer hacking is really a serious problem for people who are using the internet
especially for top government and/or organization whose security is a top most needed. For
now, this is unavoidable and nothing is done with it. I agree that this condition may pose
problems in the future. Hacking for this reason is a cybercrime as it can penetrate an individual’s
passwords, bank transactions and credit cards. As the writer noted, the internet for hackers gives
them the easy way for theft to do stealing whose identity remains untraced.
As I see it, everyone was able to expound on the activity of computer hackers and the
problem they bring to all internet users which include private organizations and governments
around the globe. Given this issue, there must a consolidated decision coming from and
represented by each country in the whole world in order to design a set of guidelines which may
lead towards the formulation of cyber laws and course of actions against illegal the internet
activities. Thus, restructuring and/or redesigning of operational structure of the internet should be
grounded on cyber laws that will be created, because any violation committed by a hacker will
be subjected to punishment. No one would be excuse from the law once enacted.
I agree with the opinion regarding prevention of cybercrime; however, individual sites
may also add security features in its protocol to keep the privacy and security of the information
of the subscribers. I think, in the absence of cyber laws, individual site owner and user may
observe safety measures which have to be explained well, such as what messages is suspicious
and which is not. I guess, security alarms may be installed in a system to prevent hackers from
entering one’s account.
Lecture Discussion
In my opinion, the most pervasively exploited computer system is system software which
can be penetrated by viruses through an infected USB and downloaded files from the internet.
The virus enters in and destroys the system while others (auto run) penetrate the system to report
secret information stored in the memory. Either way, the virus is created to increase the demand
for antivirus product or to steal user’s information.
Viruses can be treated using antivirus software; it means, it can be prevented as long the
program is updated regularly. I guess the one that poses severe problem in the future is computer
hacking as it is seen operational nowadays. Not only individual persons are hacked but also
important information of one’s country; remember the ‘I-love-you’ virus which had damaged
worth of billion dollars worldwide. It made The Pentagon and CIA to shut down their mail
system just to get rid of it.
Week 5: Summary of the reading “Hey, You, Get Off My Cloud: Exploring Information
Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds” by Thomas Ristenpart, Eran Tromer, Hovav
Shacham, and Stefan Savage
As the title suggest, the article was about a new technological innovation introduced in
the market called “cloud computing” which is seen as the next infrastructure for data hosting and
for deploying software services that would essentially lower capital cost. While the authors’ sees
this technology to provide strategic advantage for business organization, the 

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