Community colleges

Dear Mr./Ms. Matt Smith,
 There are many students in California Community College who chose to attend
the school because they do not have enough money to support their tuition in University.
They can save more money going to a Community College. On the other hand, some
others do not have an excellent high school GPA that will qualify them for their desired
University. They can continue their study at community college then later transfer to
Community colleges have to provide scholarships and remedial classes for sure.
But the question to ask is why it is not easy? Of course it is because of the money.
There are many Community colleges in California and each college has a
different financial situation. This is because a college can have a better financial situation
than another college. It will be helpful if a committee is constituted so that these colleges
can help each other by sharing their financial burdens, thereby growing together!
Another way out is making a connection with the companies that need trained
workers so that the college will give them trained students. In return, the company can
support the community college by making donations or offering scholarships. 
The most important thing is that the community college should not forget the
reason why they exist. Having an additional counselor or an extra scholarship system is
more important than enlarging their domain or having fanciful buildings.
John Adams
Matt Smith
Staff Writer
Four-part series - Contra Costa Times
[email protected]
Dear Mr./Ms. Matt Smith,
 Many students attend California Community College for different reasons. Some
chose to attend the school because they do not have enough money to support their
tuition through University. Hence, they save more money by going to a Community
College. On the other hand, some others do not have an excellent high school GPA that
qualifies them for their desired University. These students continue their study in a
community college with the hope of later transferring to the University.
Community colleges should offer scholarships and provide remedial classes for
their students. However, oftentimes this is not the case. The question to ask is why it is
so? Of course it is because of the money.
There are several Community colleges in California and each of these colleges
has a different financial situation. This is because a college can have a better financial
situation than another college. It will be helpful if a committee is constituted so that these
colleges can help one another by sharing their financial burdens, thereby growing
Another way out is making a connection with the companies that needs trained
workers so that the Community college can provide them with trained students. In return
to this, the company can support the community college by making donations or offering
Summarily, the most important thing is that the community college should not
forget the reason why they exist. Having an additional counselor or an extra scholarship
system is more important than enlarging their domain or having fanciful buildings.
John Adams 

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