Concert Review

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Concert Review
I have always had a great passion and love for rock and jazz music. Listening to jazz
music always makes me to have an elevated experience of joy and calmness simultaneously.
Though at times I tend to associate myself with certain jazz bands discriminating others, I have
come to realize that jazz music entails more than what you listen to as an audience. The quality
of music and their style of organization is one of the things that most audiences should look into
when judging a band.
On May 7, 2013 the school music department presented a jazz music concert named, ‘May Jazz
Swings!’ The concert was held at Diablo Valley College, at the performing Arts centers. The
performing arts center is a hall that was mostly used for music purposes, quite often invited
musicians and other performers were given an opportunity to perform in the hall where they
displayed their various skills in music. During that particular day of the concert, the audiences
were expecting four performing groups to display their skills through a colorful performance.
These groups were: Bev Mo and the cats, Slipstream, The Jazz Meisters and The Roarin Hounds.
Due to the influence of the concert being held, the theme that was used to decorate and set the
stage was based on jazz. Being in the hall as an audience, one could feel the mood that was
created by the theme, which was quite different from the out door. The stage space and the
audiences sit well fitted the hall providing a proper outlook; the hall was utilitarian. All in all, the 
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entire concert was held for educational purposes and enjoyment, something that it effectively
The different groups that were to perform were composed of different members who assumed
different roles in their respective groups. Apart from the Roarin Hounds all other groups that
performed had a crew member who took the role of voice performance in the group. The
Slipstream group, among other groups that performed was able to move the crowd through their
performance. As one listened to their music, one could easily distinguish the different tones and
voice variations in the music based on the wide variety of instruments that they used.
The most interesting thing about the performance was how the different crew members were able
to take up their roles in the stage, making use of all the available space at the stage effectively,
despite of their numbers. The Bev Mo and the Cats group had seven members, the Slipstream
had eight members, the jazz Meisters had nine members, and the Roarin Hounds had five
members. Each musician in each respect group was able to contribute to his/her respective
groups’ performance by playing, the piano, electric guitar, trumpet, flugelhorn, and the drums
plus the Cymbals. The different groups that were able to perform during the event created a good
musical experience making every member of the audience that was present to appreciate Jazz
music. The audience was moved by the performance, something that became evident after every
performance when the audiences gave rounds of applause.
Most of the groups that performed, presented their music, basing it in the American culture. The
performers had different demographic characteristics, but all their differences were narrowed
down by the jazz music. The audience (mostly composed of young adults) enjoyed every minute
being in the concert, learning the different aspects of jazz music. 

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