Cyberbullying and Social Media


Cyberbullying and Social Media
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Annotated Bibliography: 

Schafer, M., Korn, S., Smith, P.K., Hunter, S., Mora-Merchan, J.A., Singer, M.M., & Van der 	Meulen, K. (2004). Lonely in the crowd: Recollections of bullying. British Journal of 	Developmental Psychology, 22, 379-394.
		In this research, a qualitative method was exhaustively used. At the end of the 			day, it was found to be helpful in investigating the reason as to why students were 		targeted in social media outlets. The issue of bullying both in cyber bullying and 			also in the traditional setting has become a national menace. The research much 			concentrated on specific people who were targeted, the method that was used to 			bully the persons and 	the time the bullying practice took. The method used to 			bully was investigated to be either through posting damaging material, written and 		verbal. According to Schafer et al. (2004), ten students participated in the study 			acting as a recommendable sample who were endorsed by various school 				counselors from the guidance department. The local school guidance counselors 			selected sample students who were regarded as “loners”. However, the same 			students were not introverts per say since most of them had spent enough time in 			those schools to make friends. The whole process was done through filling of 			questionnaires. From the authors’ point of view, from the start to the end of the 			study they were optimistic with the research performed. The findings from the 			research indicated that the students had undergone bullying but never knew the 			reason as to why. However, the main assumption drawn was that the bullies 			targeted the lonely students who seemed to be easily affected due to low self-			esteem.
Willard, N. (2007). Educators guide to cyberbullying and cyber threats center for safe and 	responsible use of the internet. /cyberbully/docs/cbcteducator.pdf.
		From this specific research done, there are several types of bullying which are 			both identified and discussed. According to Willard (2010), cyberbullying is an 			act of sending 	messages or materials that are intended to hurt someone which is 			accomplished by using the social media outs or the internet. A qualitative method 			was extensively used since the author was not aware of the findings. Hence this 			method became the best approach to the bullying menace. Bullying had taken 			roots in the society since a lot of young people were taking away their lives as a 			result. Although many people were not willing to report the offense, it was 			concluded that 20 percent of students are being bullied. On the other hand, 			Willard discovered that many adults took the issue of cyberbullying with less 			attention where they said that bullying in person was the worst. From the 				questionnaire used, 20 victims were students reported to the guardians about the 			incidence. The questionnaire used was issued by the guidance office and the 			sample of students who participated was from two different schools and different 			cultural backgrounds. All the participants of the research did it voluntarily and 			were randomly picked by the schools’ guidance counselors. Not only bullying 			was the main concern 	raised but also emotional and mental anguish was a serious 			finding noted in communities and schools.
Selkie, E. M., Kota, R. C., Ya-Fen Moreno, M. (2015). Cyberbullying, Depression, and Problem Alcohol Use in Female College Students. A Multisite Study. 18(2), 79-86.DOI: 10.1089/cuyber.2014.0371 Annotation:
This article provides a detailed summary of how cyberbullying is less known about when it comes to college students then middle and high school. Especially, depressive symptoms and Alcohol Use have an increase in the situation including suicide. It gives us descriptions and prevalence of Specific Cyberbullying Behaviors. It explains what the causes of bullying are. The authors do use numbers, and statistics. This article is filled with surveys that participants have taken part of. This source is the first I have found and it caught my attention.
Barlinska, Julia, Anna Szuster, and Mikolaj Winiewski. "Cyberbullying among Adolescent Bystanders: Role of the Communication Medium, Form of Violence, and Empathy." Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 23.1 (2013):37-51. Web.
This article provides an excellent review of the role of the bystanders of cyberbullying. The study carried out by the authors specifically looked at those factors that led bystanders to simply observe the bullying behavior and not intervene. The study showed that unlike public bullying, cyberbullying occurred ina more private setting, making bystanders feel less compelled to intervene. The authors specifically noted that these bystanders demonstrated a lack of empathy toward the victim and suggested that interventions designed to stop cyberbullying needed 

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