Development of Communication Processes

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Title: E Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information (MCKI)
Subject: Management
Type of Paper: Assignment
Words: 1594
Development of Communication Processes
3.4 Development of Communication Processes
3.4 Create a personal plan to improve own communication skills
The important factor in a communication process is people who are involved in it. Therefore, a
useful tool to identify and reflect upon our personal strengths and areas for development is the
personal SWOT analysis. In order to improve the effective communication, SWOT analysis is a
useful technique to help people identify these strength and weakness; analyse the opportunities
and treats in workplace. Using this tool in company will help employees develop their career.
Manager can focus on developing the strength and opportunities while minimizing the weakness
and reducing the threats in firm (Davenport, 2013).
The important factor in a communication process is people who are involved in it. Therefore, a
useful tool to identify and reflect upon our personal strengths and areas for development is the
personal SWOT analysis. In order to improve the effective communication, SWOT analysis is a
useful technique to help people identify these strength and weakness; analyse the opportunities
and treats in workplace. Using this tool in company will help employees develop their career.
Manager can focus on developing the strength and opportunities while minimizing the weakness
and reducing the threats in firm (Davenport, 2013).
The critical components in the process of communication are the individuals who are a part of it.
For that reason, a helpful device to recognize and assess our own individual strengths and
limitations for professional growth is the personal SWOT analysis. So as to enhance the useful
communication, SWOT analysis is a valuable procedure to assist individuals recognize their
strong and weak points; evaluate the opportunities and threats in working environment. Utilizing
this device as a part of organizational procedure will help employees progress professionally
(Janicot & Mignon, 2012). Supervisors can concentrate on building up the strength and
opportunities while reducing the weaknesses and decreasing the threats in the business
 Having good communication skills
 New recruits hold University degree
 Good communication standards and practices with clients and team members
 Showing nervousness when presenting ideas to customers and managers
 Poor management of time
 Poor written communication and presentation skills
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 Feedbacks are provided slowly
 Negative attitude
 Advancement in the technology demonstrates ways for improving communication skills
 Company has a high turnover of managerial staff members
 Availability of in-house learning opportunities
 Modifications in jobs demand including salary and motivation level
 Lack of time to be allocated for developmental activities by employees
SWOT analysis reveals that managers develop strategies for the enhancement of employees’
communication skills. Organizations must provide periodic training on improving
communication skills (Kent & Hoberman, 2012). Additionally, organization should provide
employee handbook to all employees that includes all fundamental information to workers who
require more consideration and concentration on the improving their communication skills. From
the personal plan, every employee must set up the goals for their development. The personal
plan for Wal-Mart employees is explained as below in Table 1:
Table 1: Personal Plan
Personal Plan
Objectives Method Duration Review
Development of
communication skills
Employees should
participate in the inhouse
sessions meant for
improving the written
communication skills.
Always check the
drafted work for
typographic and
grammatical mistakes
Four months Acquire feedback
from the team
members who write
official letters, report
etc. Improve the
applicable and
professional written
communication skills
Increase confidence to
speak in public and in
Identify the topics of
discussion before
speaking. Use positive
body language, eye
contact to make
Four months Acquire feedback
from team members.
Develop the
enhancement skills
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impressive. Set up
personal practice
sessions daily in front
of mirror or camera to
enhance confidence
Develop the
presentation skills
Should carefully
include all content
and information in the
Important notes
should be taken which
can be used to capture

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