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Table of Contents
Diabetes ..................................................................................................................................................3
Solar Energy............................................................................................................................................4
Noise Pollution........................................................................................................................................5
Solutions .............................................................................................................................................5
1. Describe the causes of a disease or medical condition (diabetes, cancer, etc), its effects,
and possible treatments.
One of the diseases in which the level of sugar (blood sugar) rises from normal to high. There
are two types of diabetes: Type 1 is considered to be congenital while Type 2 is preventable.
Seeking proper treatments can cure the progressive disease from the body.
According to the research, a human body experiences the increase of sugar in blood level due
to eating food which contains excessive amount of calories or fats. Also, the body is
overwhelmed when there is an increased intake of sugary food and/or drinks, causing the body
o develop the chronic disease, specifically type 2 diabetes.
One of the effects of diabetes is the elevated sugar level which can further cause the body to
undergo various chronic diseases, such as heart strokes, damage to other organs etc. Further, it
can affect the eye which is the significant cause of blindness and also damages the nerves that
enables the patient to become weak and numb.
Type1 diabetes requires excessive insulin which injected into the body. Taking balanced diet
and performing physical activities can also treat the chronic disease for which experts would
be required to manage diabetes. The treatment of type 2 diabetes varies, depending on the level
of blood sugar. Sometimes, the patient undergo sessions of counselling in which the counsellor
focuses on changing the lifestyle and losing weight (Meng et al., 2014). Daily exercises with
healthy eating are recommended to cure type 2 diabetes. 
2. Discuss the origin (history) of a form of energy (solar, nuclear, etc) and its advantages
and disadvantages.
Solar Energy
Solar energy is one of the types of energy which is developed through the nuclear fusion
reactions. Many processes take place that causes the energy to release and transfer to the
surrounding objects. The Sun is the main source of renewable energy that supplies limitless
energy to entire world.
The use of solar energy is prevalent through seventh century when the ancient people used
magnifying glasses for sun rays in order to light fire. In 1767, a Swiss scientist used the first
solar collector to absorb the solar energy. In 1880, the famous scientist, Samuel Langley
invented bolometer which was used to measure the solar power in terms of the thermal
radiation. Later, Albert Einstein became pioneer in proposing the theory of the photoelectric
effect which derives the emission of the electrons using the solar effect (Aghaei, 2014). The
transformations in the experiments resulted in much revolution in installing the solar-based
systems in different areas of the world.
 Pollution-free and causes no greenhouse effect.
 Renewable production of power
 Easy to sell excess power to the solar gri 

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