Digital marketing

The modern world has rapidly adapted to the use of internet. It has evolved as an huge forum for interaction, trade and communication irrespective of global boundaries. This assessment will depict a clear overview about the digital strategies that are implemented for enhancing the business activities of an organization. Evergen, a Australia based solar energy SME has shown a terrific potential for its growth in the sustainable energy industry. It covers the various business strategies and specifically the marketing measures on digital platform of Evergen. The theme of the assessment lies in evaluating the accuracy and implications of the prevailing digital marketing strategies of Evergen.

Digital marketing objectives and its influence of trade
Evergen was initiated by CSIRO or it can be indicated that the energy intelligence that has been developed by CSIRO drives the performance of Evergen. The company has obtained a significant position in the Australian market considering its short span of market entry. The innovation and the introduction of the product line has been an unique feature to Evergen. The development of the products in accordance with the needs of the consumers has been gladly appreciated by the Australian consumers (Chaffey, Smith & Smith, 2013). Being a 21st Century organization, Evergen has prioritized on consumer quality and technological aspects of product innovation. The present era demands adaptation with internet in operational activities of an organization as most of the companies are driving their efforts towards a global expansion. Digital marketing refers to the marketing or selling of products by means of digital channels to reach the consumers.

Significant importance to digital marketing strategies has been given by Evergen. The current market credential of the company may justify that those strategies has yielded benefit for the organization. The implementation of the digital marketing strategies of Evergen is based on formulated objectives. The objectives of Evergen may be depicted below:

To provide the Company website with accurate information about the product line
To expand the reach to consumers through digital advertisements
To ensure a mutual relation between digital marketing and sales function
To analyze and evaluate the consumer needs from the consumer feedbacks
To encourage future career scope at Evergen
Evergen, has evolved to be one of the pioneers in the Australian market of sustainable energy resources. The company has not completed a decade of trade on Australian soil, but the significant efforts of the employees and the adaptation of fair business strategies has resulted in its positive market credential. The notion of digital marketing has been efficiently used by the Evergen management. The formulation of the strategies in accordance with the organizational objectives of digital marketing has resulted in an increase in profit margins. Evergen is operated by a management board that comprises of experts from differential fields whose knowledge aides in business development (Moorman & Day, 2016). It boasts of strong IT wing that carries its web operation and it’s backed up innovative ideas of digital marketing from the marketing team of Evergen. The company has generated a consumer loyalty and gathered the faith of the consumers which can prove a positive boost to its business trends in future. The objective of digital marketing along with proper implementation of the strategies has led Evergen to its currents position in the Australian market.

Engagement in Digital Platforms
The implementation of the notion of digital marketing is not possible without the use of digital platforms. The Company has used the digital platforms as an efficient tool for selling and marketing its products or services. The engagement with the digital platform has in turn ensured that Evergen may obtain the consumer feedbacks and entertain the unsatisfied consumer base. This existence of Evergen on digital platform has created a sense of awareness among the consumers about the company (Kahne, Hodgin & Eidman-Aadahl, 2016). The internet users are free to obtain company information, knowledge about the product line and the consumer services that are offered by Evergen from their respective or desired locations. The digital platforms and their respective use by Evergen may be depicted below:

Website: Evergen has its official website that has been designed keeping the consumer behavior into consideration. The Website of Evergen is enriched with information on the offered product line, offered consumer services. It incorporates company information like name, address, and contact details. The website has a FAQ section that deals with consumer queries. It can be concluded that Evergen possess a website that has been developed through innovative measures.
Mobile App: The Company is yet to explore this platform with its digital marketing strategies. However,  

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